«If you need me at night and don't want to go upstairs you can call me on this phone. It's yours so we have a way to get in contact with you if we aren't at home, and a way for you to get in contact with us. My number, joes' number, the number of our assistants if we are at work and isn't answering our regular phones and Lillys number. Don't hesitate to call our assistants at work if you need us. My assistant is my best friend from when I was a kid, and she is excited that you're joining our family» I give her the phone that we already set up and she looks at it with big eyes. It's an iPhone because that's what the rest of us have too. «I haven't had a phone before» she says. 

«Now you do» I was going to caress her back or something to comfort her, but I don't know how she is with physical touch. She already flinched once, and I don't want to make that worse. 

«What do you want to do before the kids come home? Do you want to watch some tv, hang out in your room or hang out with us?» I ask her and she hesitates. «Can I... would you mind if I stayed here for a bit» 

«Not at all, explore your room or take a rest. It's a lot to take in at once. Call me or come upstairs if you need me. We will be in the living room or kitchen» I give her a smile before I head out to find Joe. 

Joe is waiting for me in the living room with a latte that Daniel probably made. I didn't have time to get more than a shot of espresso this morning, so now I'm craving some more caffeine. When I'm at work I get Starbucks delivered, but nothing tastes better than the coffee that Daniel makes. We have this fancy machine he uses with fresh coffee beans. I don't really know how to work the machine, so we have a keurig I use when he isn't here. It sounds like a privileged problem though, so I'm not going to complain about it. I can sort of use the fancy machine, but not as well as Daniel so I don't really do it. 

«How did she react to the tour» Joe asks, and I shrug «I don't really know. She said a few sentences here and there but other than that she seemed to just take in what I was saying. It's probably not like anywhere she has lived before, so it's probably an adjustment. She asked for a moment to just take it in and stay in her room. I did give her the phone though, but I stopped at that because I don't want to throw too much at her» I tell him what I told her about the different rooms and stuff. 

«Its... scary to have a new person here but also exiting. I'm so excited to get to know her and give her the family she deserves. Every child deserves a family and a place to call home. It pains me that it's not the case» he says. We have organized this thing a few months ago where we donate presents to the system to give to kids on their birthdays and are going to have a thing where we donate Christmas presents too. It's not that much, but at least it will hopefully put a smile on some kids faces. Some of it is donated from us personally and some is a collected effort at work and with our family. 

«Our whole family is going to adjust. but I think she is going to be a match. We got all the information they could give us beforehand, we talked to the kids about adoption for months and we are financially capable of handling a child with medical needs. Not to mention that we have room in our hearts for another child» I say before snuggling under his arm. 

We wouldn't have taken her in if we didn't feel like she was a good match and like we could handle it. The last thing we wanted to do was given a child false hope because they don't deserve that. It must be hard to be in their situation, and we didn't want to make that more complicated. 

«I love you, Taylor. And I love our family. She belongs with us, I'm sure of that. It will be hard, but the best things in life isn't always easy. We have been through a lot, and maybe that makes us more fit to take care of a child that has been through a lot too. You know trauma, maybe that can help her feel less alone» 

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