Chapter 19 - Dalla Dalla by Itzy

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4147 words

posted 9-16-22

A/N:   By the way this chapter in particular might be slightly different in the finished product. I sort of added some flavor for those readers who are reading this after having read Encoded in Our DNA.

So, I know that Dalla Dalla actually means different different in English, but I am using as a play on words to describe this chapter's contents.  Also, the video due to the shopping vibe.  If you know of a song that might fit better after you read this chapter then feel free to recommend it to me. 

Side characters that appear for the first time/mentioned for the first time in this chapter plus their pronunciations.

Yun Saeng-gi Issneun

Yewn (ew sound slightly extended) Sahn-gee Ee-Nin (sounds out a lot shorter than it looks. Thank goodness) 

Young Sunghee

Pronounced just as it looks. 


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The stranger wasn't sure why he chose to sit in the far corner booth of the restaurant. Nor is he really sure why he felt he had to make sure that he was facing the door once he was seated. Just something in his gut told him to keep an eye on the people as they entered today.

He can't help but be surprised by the next two customers. Both of his eyebrows lift high on his forehead, and he finds himself wondering who she is. His brain automatically tells him that she has to be someone important. He doesn't think she would be with him after all if she weren't, although due to her heritage it does make sense that he would be acting as her lawyer. At least with what he has chosen his current speciality field to be. She can't help but stand out, not with that glorious red hair of hers.

The stranger can't deny that she is a beauty. Along with the hair she has curves for days. He blinks and looks away for a moment as his mind catches on to his visceral reaction to her. I really shouldn't be looking at her like that. He is quite aware that it is human nature to find someone aesthetically pleasing, and that is what he reminds himself of in order to comfort his own guilt.

He lifts his menu up in front of his face when the gentleman with her lifts his head. Crap! I hope he didn't see me!

He considers quickly changing his seat, but he isn't sure that he should risk it. He may want to keep watching them, but the restaurant isn't big by any means. If he keeps gawking then he will be sure to be recognised. When the familiar gentleman finally sets down is when the stranger decides he should probably just head back to work while he is occupied with his client.

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