♥️Embry disappearance♥️

Start from the beginning

"Wait what?!" Tessa shouts.

"Yep,Sam managed to get to Embry and now Embry just like them. He told us he couldn't be friends with us anymore." Quil says sadly.

Tessa frowned at this new piece of information.

"Right I want you two here every single day no Bella as I'm keeping an eye on you two from now on. Kids if Sam or his friends turn up you aren't to answer the door and to come and get me. Understand?" Tessa looks the six of them in the room.

Everyone nods, Jake heads home to get a back pack as does Quil when Bella turns up at her home.

"What do you want Bella?" Tessa says annoyed.

"What can I come visit?" Bella smugly says

"Let me think? No!" Tessa says.

"You aren't welcome here." Tessa tells Bella.

"Why?" Bella stomps her feet like a two year old.

"Because you are rude,obnoxious and down right ignorant." Tessa says annoyed.

Jake and Quil turned up and Tessa let the two lads in and glared at Bella. She scoffed at how Jake and Quil wasn't paying her attention and she stormed off. Jake and Quil spent a few hours with the Mccalls before leaving.

Sam arrives excited to see his imprint and he comes across a very pissed off Tessa. He gulps visibly at how angry she looks.

"Tessa? What's wrong?" Sam asked.

"I want to know why you are running a gang and why Embry is no longer speaking to his best friends or me?" Tessa says with anger laced in her voice.

"I'm not running a gang and embry I'd going throught some anger issues right now that's why he isnt allowed around you or the children." Sam says getting frustrated.

"Don't bullshit me!" Tessa snaps.

"You are lying to me and I know you are." Tessa snarls out.

The children look to see Sam out side and head out to their mother/sister.

"Go upstairs I'm okay, stay its there and don't come down till I say it's okay." Tessa calmly tells them and they head upstairs.

I'm not lying!" Sam says getting agitated.

"Yes you are unless you tell me the truth I don't want you around me or my children." Tessa says getting frustrated with the lies.

Sam let's out a snarl which scares Tessa and he phases too closely and scratches Tessa. Embry,Paul and Harley come rushing when they hear Tessa screams.

"Sam go, we got this go!" Harley tells her brother who whimpers in regret.

Embry goes to Tessa side as does paul.

"Tessa can you hear me?" Embry says.

"Em? What happened? My face and chest feels like it's on fire. I can't see!" Tessa screams out.

"Mom?" Arthur came outside and saw tessa on the floor.

"Tess?" Marley came out as did the rest of the children.

Valka came closer to Embry and Embry looked up and froze when he and Valka eyes met and he saw his future with her.

"It's alright,we'll take her to the hospital, you four will have to go to Marcus and Emily's whilst we take her to hospital." Embry explains

Paul took Marley and the children to Marcus and Emily's.

"What happened?" Marcus said noticing the distressed children.

"Sam happened." Paul whispered.

Marcus made an oh face.

"Come in Marley, Arthur,Scott and Valka. Your mom will be fine. Everything will be explained to you all soon." Marcus says with a smile.

Emily bring the children some food and drinks as they wait on news from Embry and Harley.

Tessa was lying on a hospital bed, scars going down her face and blinding her left eye and scars down her chest. Sam was by her side with guilt and Billy and Harry entered the room.

"I did this to her and I know she'll never forgive me or accept the imprint bond." Sam mutters

"Sam you will have to take it slow with her and the children now because of this when she wakes up explain everything and let her decide. Embry go and be with Valka now as she'll need you,Harley and Paul are with theirs so go and be with yours." Billy says.

"S-sam? What happened?" Tessa muttered out.

"I happened, I'm a shapeshifter and I phased when you got me angry. We shift because of cold ones in the area or as you know them as vampires. I'm the alpha of the pack and I imprinted on you Tessa Mccall. I know what I did is unforgivable and I don't blame you if you tell me to leave because I will." Sam says sadly.

"Sam I shouldn't have made you angry and I get why Embry had to stay away now. I got the reason why on my face and I guess that's why Emily has scars too?" Tessa says looking at Sam who nods.

"I didn't like it when you stayed away, so I won't fight the imprint but I will need time to forgive you." Tessa says looking at Sam.

Sam came closer and kissed Tessa with her permission and they had their very first kiss.

"I know I hurt you but I promise I will never hurt you like this again. You and the children are my life. Marley,Arthur,Scott and Valka are pack protected for life " Sam says

Tessa nods and moves over gently and pats the space next to her for Sam to join her and he joins her on her bed and Tessa leans against him and he holds her close to his chest.

Chapter five is done and oh dear Sam gone and done it now and scarred blinded her in her left eye. Embry have imprinted on Valka and the pack now have to deal with the aftermath of the accident.


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