Omnitrix Aliens: Ultimate Heatblast (Crag) & (Mercury)!

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Volcanoes; one of the most dangerous things created by Mother Nature. They can be very harmful, but also very useful. Mercury poisoning is also the second dangerous thing as it is very poisonous.

But what if you were able to take these two dangerous things and turn them into humanoids who can wield their powers? Well if you want to find out, then please allow me to introduce to you Ultimate Heatblast's (Crag) and (Mercury)!

But what if you were able to take these two dangerous things and turn them into humanoids who can wield their powers? Well if you want to find out, then please allow me to introduce to you Ultimate Heatblast's (Crag) and (Mercury)!

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Name: Ultimate Heatblast.
Gender: Male.
CodeName: (Crag Metal)
Species: Evolved Pyronite.
Home World: Pyros.
Body: Metallic Magma Humanoid.
DNA State: Hyper-Evolved.

Ultimate Heatblast is the Ultimatrix's DNA sample of a hyper-evolved Pyronite from the planet Pyros in 5 Years Later.

Ultimate Heatblast is a humanoid metallic lifeform of gray plating and with an orange-yellow gelatinous substance made of superheated liquid metal. Locks of lava drip from his body due to its high viscosity, while the other locks resemble hair of sorts.

The Ultimatrix symbol is located on his stomach.

Powers & Abilities:
• (Superheated Body):
Ultimate Heatblast's body is incredibly hot to the touch, thanks to the amount of temperatures he builds up.

• (Shapeshifting):
Ultimate Heatblast can superheat his metallic body and form it into weaponry and throwable objects he desires.

• (Lava Bomb Creation):
The throwable objects Ultimate Heatblast can make are able to explode upon impact.

• (Aerial Movement):
As of now, Ultimate Heatblast is unable to fly due to not being able to project fire from his body.

• (Lack of pyrokinesis):
Ultimate Heatblast cannot generate flames from his body due to being made of lava.

• The metal of his body is made of an Obsidian Alloy.

Trivia:• The metal of his body is made of an Obsidian Alloy

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Name: Ultimate Heatblast.
Gender: Male.
CodeName: Mercury.
Species: Evolved Pyronite.
Home World: Pyros.
Body: Liquid Metal Humanoid.
DNA State: Hyper-Evolved.

Ultimate Heatblast (Mercury) is the Ultimatrix's DNA sample of a hyper-evovled Pyronite from the planet Pyros in 5 Years Later.

Ultimate Heatblast (Mercury) is a liquid-metal organism with two large tendril-like arms, two normal arms and a back tendril. He has gray metal plating and dark red mercury based fluid suspended underneath. His face resembles a skull-and-crossbones emblem situated on a rotund dome of his mercury based-fluid.

The Ultimatrix symbol is located on a side facet of his chest.

Powers & Abilities:
• (Superheated Body):
Ultimate Heatblast's metallic body is superheated, burning any flammable material it touches.

• (Malleable Tendrils):
Ultimate Heatblast is able to whip his arms around as tendrils and change their shape. These tendrils are used to lift himself in the air as an evolutionary exchange to his inability to fly.

• (Mercury Toxicity):
Ultimate Heatblast's mercury body is incredibly toxic when eaten to ward off Crabdozers. If consumed, it is enough to kill a Crabdozer twelve times over.

• (Aerial Movement):
Ultimate Heatblast is unable to fly due to not being able to project fire from his body.

• The metal making up this Ultimate Heatblast's body is made out of steel metal.

(JunkBot45): If you guys know how to deal with volcanic eruptions, and Mercury poisoning, good for you.

In the next part, we're going be covering both Ultimate XLR8's. Bet you guys can't wait for that one.

But anyway, that's gonna be it for today, I hope you guys enjoyed, and I will of course. See you on the next one Junkies! Buh-bye!

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