Moving in

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As I stared at my reflection in the mirror I came to a scary realization. Today was finally the day. I was leaving for the airport to move with my Uncle in Arizona. I guess I should start with how I even got here in the first place.

My mom and I got into an argument and my dad, being the kiss ass he is, took her side. She decided it would be in my 'best interest' if I moved away, "at least for a little while" she said. Basically she just wanted to ship me off so I was no longer her problem I guess.

So needless to say I wasn't exactly thrilled about this move. My uncle and I were never close, in fact I rarely ever saw him. So my mom was practically sending me off to live with a stranger for an indefinite amount of time. She told me to pack all my things "just in case I like it there" I was so pissed.

I tried compromising and explaining to her how I didn't feel comfortable moving in when I didn't even know him. But she had no sympathy for me whatsoever and I figured it's gotta be better than here. And if not, I could run away, I don't really think my uncle would be invested enough to come after me.

I took one last look at my room before going downstairs since my Uber arrived. I hopped in the car and the driver tried to start a conversation. But I was nowhere near in the mood so I put my headphones in. I think he got the hint.

I'm usually not rude, at least like that, but I wasn't really looking forward to today. We shortly arrived at the airport, I guess I just zoned out, I took out my bags and stood at the doors of the airport. I mentally said fuck it and walked in and did what I had to do.

All the boring things, tsa check line, getting my bag and ticket checked and then waiting to board. After what felt like hours I finally got on the plane and sat down with a sigh. I had said I would read or something on the plane.

But now that I was on it and we were taking off, all I wanted to do was sleep. So that's exactly what I did. By the time I woke up they were telling us to prepare for landing. I guess I just had perfect timing. We landed and I got off heading to baggage claim in hopes of being able to grab food.

I wanted to at least get a snack before they came to get me. As I'm grabbing my bags my phone rings and I set them down to answer it. "Hello?" I say confused, "hey... it's Larry, your uncle Larry" he said. "I got that much" I said, instantly regretting it, I didn't mean to come off that harsh.

"Right..." he said literally sounding like he was folding in on himself. "Sorry" I said trying to make it a little better, I didn't want him to hate me on the first day. "It's ok. We're here waiting at terminal 6" he says. "Ok I'm coming now" I say and then he hangs up just as I hear another voice.

I wonder who's with him? I drag all my bags to the terminal he said and look around for him. Then I see him hop out of a car a few feet away and come towards me. He goes in for an awkward hug, pats me on the back and takes my bags.

I can see smoke coming out the passenger window but I can't see whoever it is. He puts my bags in the trunk while I get into the car and I sit behind the woman. She doesn't speak at all and I don't dare speak up, it seems obvious she doesn't wanna talk to me.

My uncle jumps back in the driver seat shaking the car. "Did you two get introduced?" He asked trying to sound cheerful. Clearly quite the opposite from whoever this woman was. Before I can say anything she finally speaks. "Yeah" she says dryly and it takes a lot of willpower to control my face.

Larry turns around and looks at me and I raise my eyebrows at him. She turns around and looks at me and says "right?" narrowing her eyes a bit. "Yeah" I say nodding trying to sound convincing. I guess it worked because he hummed in response and turned around beginning to drive.

I rolled my eyes and put in my headphones so I wouldn't have to talk on the ride. The ride felt abnormally long but whatever, we finally got there and it was deserted. Like just desert and empty houses, a ghost town or some shit.

I got out and looked all around and sighed realizing I'd probably end up stuck out here. "Yo" the woman said and I assumed she was talking to me. I turned around and she nodded her head towards the door. So I followed behind her and may or may not have checked her out while doing so.

Ok I definitely did, but shit, it was hard not to I needed to figure her out. She most likely just didn't want me here in her house, I assume she's his girlfriend. I walk into the house and it's really nice actually, not that I didn't expect it to be but still.

My uncle shows me to my room while the woman goes to the kitchen for something. I situate my things and look out the window, just dust for miles. I lay on the bed, at least it's comfortable. I'm kinda thirsty so I decide to go downstairs for a drink.

It's pretty quiet so I assume they're in the room or something. I walk into the kitchen and look out the sliding glass door and stop in my tracks. That woman is laid out on a lawn chair, in a red bikini, I guess sunbathing. I instantly forget what I came down here for and just stare at her.

She's really beautiful, without turning her head she calls for me. "Hey kid!" She yells, I walk over shyly and go to walk outside. All of a sudden I'm knocked back and I hold my head because it hurts like hell.

I did not just run into the glass door... FUCK I try to act like it's fine and pull the door back.

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