Chapter 4

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After school Scott and Stiles take another trip through the woods, balancing across a fallen down tree to get across the small stream which runs through their path.

"I dunno what it was, but it felt like I had all the time in the world to catch the ball, and that's not the only weird thing, I hear stuff I shouldn't be able to hear, smell things."

"Smell things, like what?" Says Stiles with a smirk

"Like the mint flavored gum in your pocket"

"I don't have any gum" Stiles says before raking through his pockets to reveal once piece of gum. Scott looks at him as though to say "I told you so" while Stiles stands there looking bewildered, "So all this started with the bite?" He says going back to the subject of Scott's bite.

"Yeah, well what if it's like an infection, li-like my body's flooding with adrenaline before I go into shock or something"

"You know what man, I actually think I've heard of this. It's a specific kind of infection."

"Are you serious?"

"Yeah, yeah, I think it's called...lycanthropy."

"What is that?" Scott says suddenly intrigued, "Is it bad?"

"Oh Yeah, it's the worst...but only once a month"

"Once a month?"

"Mmhmm on the night of a full moon" Stiles says before making a howling noise which clearly annoys Scott because he thinks he is taking the whole situation as a joke, "Heyy, don't get annoyed, your the one that heard a wolf howling"

"There could be something seriously wrong with me"

"I know, your a werewolf" Stiles says before making an odd growling noise as though to imitate what he thinks a werewolf would act like, "Ok obviously I'm kidding."

Once they had reached where they had headed to in the woods Scott stops and looks at the ground with a puzzled expression across his face, "Ok, I'm sure this was it, the body, the deer came running and I dropped my inhaler"

"Maybe the killer moved the body" Stiles says in an attempt to make sense of it all.

"If he did, I hope he left my inhaler, its usually like eighty bucks"

Without realizing a man stood not far away from them, he stood in a leather jacket, black shirt and black trousers. He had a perfectly shaped face and dark black hair. Stiles is first to realize that he is standing their and quickly brings it to the attention of his friend as they try to act normally.

"What are you doing here?" the man asks the boys as he slowly begins to approach them, "this is private property"

"Uh sorry man, we didn't know" Stiles says, clearly slightly intimidated.

"Yeah we were just, looking for something but, uh, forget it" Scott says before the guy takes out a blue inhaler from his pocket at chucks it towards Scott who manages to catch it without any problem before the guy walks off without another word.

"Right come on I got to get to work" Scott says as he begins to make his way back out of the woods.

"Dude," Stiles says stopping him in his tracks, "That was Derek Hale, you remember right, he's only like a few years older than us."

"Remember what?"

"His Family, they all burned to death in a fire like ten years ago"

"I wonder what he's doing back?"

Stiles laughs slightly then shrugs his shoulders as if to say 'no idea!'

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