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"Get up loser!" Nancy yelled as she shook me awake and I jumped a little.

"Is that necessary Nance," I sighed as I say up rubbing my eyes.

"Um duh, it's our first day to our senior year Grace," she scoffed at me.  

I guess she wasn't kidding when she told Robin she would be giving me a personal wake up call because she knew how much I hated getting out of bed in the mornings. So I pulled myself out of bed and Nancy was already throwing clothes at me. She knew I was basic and wasn't ever going to change. She threw my faded black ripped up jeans at me and a tank top. I changed quickly then went to the bathroom.

I  brushed my hair out and threw it into a pony tail. My bangs framed my face from the wolf cut I Impulsively got 2 weeks ago. I didn't care for makeup for anything extra on the first day. I was going in basic, I didn't actually have anyone to impress anyways.

Nancy on the other hand, her boyfriend was in California. But that girl could not convince me otherwise that she wasn't over her ex Steve Harrington. So of course Nancy looked of nothing but class.

"Are you ready yet?" She peeked in looking at me.

"Yes, I just need my hoodie." I pushed past her rolling my eyes.

I had been friends with Robin for years but then Nancy just kind of came along. It was hard not to like her. Even in her obnoxious moments.

I grabbed my bookbag and cellphone as I walked out the door. When I got downstairs I slipped into my boots just before walking out the front door.


"Holy shit she blossomed," I heard a jock mumble to another as I walked past.

I just rolled my eyes and kept walking down the hallway to my next class. Some boys were utterly disgusting.

"You're late Grace," the math teacher barked as soon as I walked through the door which immediately brought all the attention to me.

As I quickly glanced around the room I noticed there was one seat left. Right next to Eddie the Freak Munson. I sighed heading for the seat and I watched as a smirk danced across his lips. My stomach turned knowing he was smirking at me like that.

Why was his childish grin having that effect in me. I sat beside him with my brows furrowed.

"Hi Gracie poo." He taunted me.

"Shut it." I snapped at him.

Aren't we just off to a lovely start? Something that would come as a shock to nearly everyone, Eddie used to be my best friend. Before everything that happened with his parents and them passing our moms used to be best friends.

He literally spent everyday at my house when we were kids until i was 14 and he was 16. Then we just grew to hate each other. Or maybe it was just one sided.

Maybe it was the resentment I had for him not checking in on me after we fought. We fought because I constantly checked in on him after his parents passed and tried taking care of him. It drove him insane at the time that someone cared that much when he didn't care about anything at all.

I don't think he ever knew but at the time I only cared that much because I had feelings for him.

"Day dreaming about me?" He asked all chummy.

"No Munson," I scoffed.

"Ouch Grace," he pouted.

"Get over it." I rolled my eyes at him as I sighed leaning back in my chair.

That bell couldn't ring any faster.

"Class these will be your assigned seats until further notice!" The teacher bellowed.

"What?!" I whined.

"Yes!" Eddie pumped his fist as he cheered.

I groaned as the bell rang and made a break for it. Hopefully these assigned seats weren't lasting too long.


Get ready guys! You're in for the long hall now. This is just the first. And we're starting slow here.

Hopelessly Hopeless [AU] [EDDIE FF] Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant