40. Quiver

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The moment everyone left the house, Adam was pulling Quinn away from the door. He'd kept his hands off her all evening in deference to her parents, who were nice people, but traditional in most ways. It was obvious that while they were glad that she was cared for and lived in a beautiful location and stunning home, they weren't all that thrilled that they were living together and not engaged or married. Adam had had the idea that they were hoping that there would be some sort of announcement sometime today. They were almost forlorn when they left, and Adam chuckled as he pulled her away from the door and down the hallway.

Quinn protested. "Adam, I need to take care of the dishes. They'll get stuck-on food particles on them and be that much harder to clean later!"

He only laughed harder and moved her quickly down the hallway. "Then I'll buy a new set, I don't give a fuck. You and I have a date in the bedroom, and I won't take no for an answer on this one. Last night I wanted more of you, but you got too sleepy." They passed through the hallway and made a left into the bedroom, pausing only briefly for him to whip her around and catch her lips with his. He backed her up against the bed, groaning when his tongue slipped into her mouth to catch its first taste of her all day. His hands smoothed to her hips, clutching, branding, finally removing her clothing deftly.

Her panties were slipped down her legs along with her skirt, the slow rasp of the zipper on his trousers like the exclamation point his cock would soon be. He was half-hard just looking at her, scenting her skin that was spiced with her own natural bouquet along with cinnamon from the slices of pie she'd eaten. He didn't know if he was more attuned to her this way because she'd been sleeping in his bed for almost a year without changing her and that was causing him to be more in-tune with her entirety, but he could almost smell the scent of hormonal changes just as they happened.

Pulling off her top. He let her smooth skin slide under his hands slowly before dropping everything to the ground. Her bra came off, slick as butter and fell to the carpet as well.

Naked. Naked and wet and ready. He could smell her. It was like honeysuckle and vanilla with a pinch of orange blossom. He didn't know how her arousal smelled so flowery, but it did. Maybe it was a vampire thing where their senses got into the essence of the body's makeup and found something—something more organic than flesh or blood, something wild and untended, like a field of wildflowers.

He nipped at the skin over her collarbones as she slid off his shirt, unbuttoning each one slowly. She could have hurried herself, made this quick, but every soft glide of his tongue or caress of his hand melted her like a pat of butter on warm toast. She trembled.

"No," he commanded when she went to climb onto the bed. "I want you right here, ass hanging off the mattress, my mouth sucking on your clit, the soft skin of your ass in my hands being gripped and smacked." He paused, watching as her breathing visually sped up with just his words. His hands worked down to the bottom of her ass, hiking one leg up roughly before doing the same to the other. It made her fall back onto the bed, but she lifted to her elbows and tried to pull away. Shocked, Adam let her, and she sat up while placing a hand on his firm abdomen.

She looked up at him, sparkling green eyes to his, lips parted with a tiny tilt to one side. The soft smile was impish, playful. He wondered what she was thinking. It certainly seemed like she was up to no good.

"I want to taste you," she told him.

It was such a hot thing to say, he nearly groaned. Instead, he stood tall and backed up. He nodded his head as Quinn slowly dropped the floor before him like an offering too wicked to ignore and too sinful not to want to take.

Vampires weren't like other supernaturals like wolves, demanding submission. The vampire was made in the image of man, and each one was different than the other. Their thought patterns were more human, where being like the werewolf or werebear put some of their inner beast's will into play.

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