Same old, same old routine (or not)

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Falling back into the routine her and hange had previously had proved rather difficult. It had already been nearly 2 months since Y/N had been disowned by her Father, and so much had happened, with Hange taking on two titans whom they named Sonny and Bean (and trust that Y/N was not happy one bit about it, and constantly checked on them to make sure they were being safe), to Y/N finally catching a glimpse of Eren, since he had been hidden away at the former Headquarters of the Scouts by the Levi squad, and even with Y/N becoming a lead nurse and training the few new nurses they receive every now and again. Once their routine had become established, they both fell into their days quite well. 

When the both of them were not practically on top of eachother, it was because they were doing their jobs or simply because they were both so tired. The only break Y/N received during the day had become lunch, where Susanne would cover her so that she could get in some food, before returning to the infirmary until the sun went down and the night shift could cover. Y/N supposed she should be grateful that she was working the day shift, and even that her job included helping those in need. Y/N didn't mind it, so she tried not to complain. After all, her job was nothing compared to the scouts.

She found herself grabbing her food during lunch and walking to sit at the usual table that she did. Hange, Erwin, Levi, Miche and even Nanaba were nowhere to be spotted, as their table sat empty, and so Y/N walked towards it, planning to sit there and reserve their spot, even though nobody would ever sit there. 

"Oh Y/N!" Y/N turned her head in the direction of her name, quite shocked honestly. She had become so accustomed to her usual spot alongside Hange that she wasn't sure if the other scouts even knew her name.

"Huh? Oh, Hi-" Was all Y/N could say. She didn't recognize the girl in the faintest, which she supposed was both a good and bad thing, as she hadn't been in the infirmary, but it also meant Y/N had to admit she didn't know who she was. She was short with orange hair and light brown eyes. She looked slightly familiar, but Y/N couldn't remember where she had seen her face. Luckily someone came up from behind the woman, someone that Y/N was able to recognize... "Oh! Oluo, it's nice to see you! How is that cut healing up?"

Oluo Bozado - Y/N clearly remembered him from 2 weeks previously. He had gotten too close to one of his team members while doing an exercise and had cut himself on his right side, not enough to be dangerous, but still enough to where Y/N needed to travel to the former scouts base to patch him up and ensure it did not become infected. It had been the first and only time Y/N had gotten to see Eren Jaeger up close, merely waving at him before being escorted by Hange away from him. He had looked so young, and so determined, It was a face Y/N wouldnt forget anytime soon, that was for sure. How often was it that you got to meet a titan shifter after all-? 

She also remembered it because Y/N remembered being so excited to travel up to the old base, where hange had been for the past week. Meaning she would get to see Hange after so long. Right when the carriage arrived and Y/N had barely stepped out of it, she was nearly tackled by them, from them jumping towards her and squishing her into a hug. They had been so happy that she was there- and that made Y/N very happy too. 

Then it hit Y/N where she had seen this woman- She had been there the day when she had arrived, and had greeted Y/N and taken her to where Oluo had been since Hange seemed to have a small grudge against the scout. What was her name? ... Her name was Petra!

"It's healing up rather nice actually- No scar or anything. Thanks for patching me up so well." he complimented her, though she could tell it slightly hurt his ego to say so. Y/N didn't mind whether or not he did compliment her though, she just wanted to make sure that all the scouts were safe and cared for.

"Of Course! Just be sure to be careful next time." Y/N smiled at him and nodded

"Don't worry about me- there wont be a next time." Oluo proudly says before Petra added:

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