...Officially Married!

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Hange stood in the dining room, with Y/N's father staring them down. They had yet to say a word, however it seems they didn't need to as Y/N's father- Lord L/N started.

"Whatever it is you want to say, I implore you to say it- however I would be very careful if I were you." He sounded rather sarcastic and this ticked Hange off.

"...No- " and the look that flashed across his face seemed one of pure anger. Anever in his life had anyone probably told him no, and so the fact that some low life scout dared to say it to him- "No matter what I say, What I do, your answer for my plead with you to marry your daughter will always remain the same- "

"That's correct! Because she deserves more than you! The family name deserves more-" He started but hange cut him off, no longer caring for his words

"But that doesn't mean I wont stop trying! I love Y/N, And I will keep asking. So please, Can I have your daughter's hand in marriage?" They pleaded with him- despite him being a shitty father and person in general, Hange just wanted him to say yes, to let them be together and not have to worry about him.

"You will never have my blessing, even on my deathbed, I will ensure that after this, you will never see her again. I will not risk you ruining the good name f the L/N's in some foolish pursuit-"

"Fuck your family name! Everyone knows this isn't about the family name! This is about you! And your own happiness!" Hange yelled finally over him, pointing at him but not taking a step forward. No matter how much they wanted to punch him in the face, they had to keep their cool- for Y/N's sake.   

"I suppose you do have some brains- Yes! This is about me! I have dedicated my life to this family to ensure perfection in everything we do! The last task that bitch has is to marry Lord Krämer- and im not about to let 22 years of raising and funding her schooling go to waste over some peasant such as yourself."

"Well fuck you- With or without your blessing, I will be marrying Y/N. And this isn't about her not marrying Lord Krãmer anymore- I love her. And I will give her a fulfilling life- up until the day I die." Their fists balled at their sides, with their fingernails leaving indents in their palms. 

"And what of you?You want to give her all these things you claim we couldn't but do you think your own reputation could possibly handle the force of the L/N family-" And then they heard her, cutting through the sentence Lord L/N was about to finish-

"HANGE!" Her voice sounded hoarse, like she had been crying- and Hange had never dashed as quickly as they did at that moment. Even faster than running from a titan- because they had prepared themselves for their death but nothing would ever keep them away from Y/N.

"Hey- Get back here!" Lord L/N called out after hange, but they paid him no attention. They continued their pursuit for Y/N.

"Y/N!?" They ran up a flight of stairs from where they had thought they had heard her voice coming from, however once they reached the top, they heard Y/N calling out for them across the house- How though? They thought they had just heard her up this staircase. 

"Hange!?? Where are you?" There she was. They ran left down a hallway that had the windows closed and seemed dark, and finally they found another staircase at the end of the hallway, all the while more and more footsteps rang throughout the house- no doubt guards that Lord L/N called for back up. They had spent a good few minutes running into room after room, looking for Y/N- as her yells had stopped, hopefully from trying to avoid being captured by the guards as well.

They finally came across the kitchen- which was located all the way in the back of the house, away from the rest of the rooms. They had not entered it, as it wasnt clear if anyone was in it and they were still trying to evade any guards. Hange slightly cursed under their breath as they saw the shadow of a figure in the darker area of the kitchen, seeming to creep around and look over their shoulder at the surrounding areas, as if on guard.  And then the sun hit through the window just right- and there she was. Y/N in all her beauty, in a white dress, her hair done up and pulled away from her face completely. Hange could see the fear within her eyes, the way they were puffy as if she had been crying for a long time- and she looked so, so tired.  

"Y/N-" Hange spoke lightly, not even needing to raise their voice to grab her attention. Her head snapped towards their direction at the call of her name, and Hange could see the worry and sadness from the previous 2 weeks practically melt off her face, and replaced with a smile.

"Hange!" Y/N drank in the way Hange looked, how they felt and smelled. Their hair tousled as usual with a few leaves in it, which only left Y/N to imagine Hange climbing her backyard fence. And the way they smiled right back at her only made tears spring into her eyes, well more than there had been previously, and practically ran and jumped into their arms, which they gladly held out for her. They spun her around in a circle, which proved to be more difficult than they imagined with the added weight of her wedding dress.

"Don't worry, I've got you dear." They gripped onto Y/Ns shoulders, bringing her in for a crushing hug. It didn't hurt though- it only made Y/N feel loved and cared about. And safe. Finally safe.  They smelt of Sandalwood and a slight hint of vanilla. Y/N could imagine herself wrapped in their sheets, the comfort of their smell surrounding her. The light coming in through the window of the early morning sunrays, Y/N truly had missed these small joys of her life with Hange.

"H-Hange- you're here. You're really here..." Y/N couldn't help but sniffle and mutter her words close to their ear for only them to hear her, and her hand placed on the back of their neck as if to hold them there for a bit longer.

"Of course I'm here... I will always come for you Y/N." They held her face in their right hand and had their left hand on Y/N's hip. "And look at you- You are absolutely beautiful Y/N..."

"Hange..." Y/N placed her hand over Hanges hand on her face, and leaned in close. And for a second, there were inches away from their lips meeting- Then the sound of her fathers yells sounded throughout the corridor that connected to the kitchen, and the both of them practically jumped in their spots at where to run.

"Quick! Under- Under the table!" Y/N pushed Hange and the both of them crouched underneath the kitchen table, with the cover being so long, reaching the floor, that it completely concealed Hange and Y/N.

The steps of her father rang through the kitchen "Y/N! Where are you!?" He yelled, and sounded furious with her. Y/N couldn't help but grin as he ran right past the table they were under, and out of the kitchen once more. The fact that this had worked not one, but two times now, really made Y/N relize just how stupid her father truley was- not even his finest tutors could teach him some common sense. 

"Y/N... I know I've said this probably one too many times that you may get tired of it eventually- And I know we don't have a lot of time-" They held that same smile that Y/N knew she would never grow tired of, and absolutely adored, and spoke under their breath, in fear of Y/N's father returning- "But... I need you Y/N. I need you in my life, and to wake up every morning to you. You bring so much happiness into my life and I don't think I'd be able to ever let that go- let you go... So Y/N L/N, Will you marry me?" They pulled the certificate out of their pocket along with a pen

"That's not true hange- You're here, and you care about me... that's all I could ever ask for. You. You are enough..." She placed her hands over Hands and took the certificate and pen "Please... Don't ever think you are not enough for me. I will always want to be with you and by your side Hange." Y/N looked down, using the kitchen tiles to sign the certificate and handed it back to Hange "I do."

And Hange wasn't sure what came over them, but they grabbed both sides of Y/N's face and brought her in for a kiss. Not the small head pecks that they had given her, or the kiss that Y/N had placed on the corner of their mouth before she left, but an actual kiss- and Y/N couldn't help but lean into it. Sure they had limited time, but they had both missed each other so much, and here they were. When they finally pulled away from each other, Y/N still held onto Hanges' hands

"Hange... Let's go home. Please?" Y/N looked down at their hands, not making eye contact, but hange could see the blush that was clear on her face.

"There is nothing I would love more than that Y/N, let's go home." And with that, the both of them walked out to the back of the house, where Jean and moblit were waiting for them.

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