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Within her,
You'll see messy streets
A deafening silence
And lethal thoughts

Yet she still calls it serene,
When she lost her own tranquility
She acted collected
Just like what she always do

But inside that four corners,
There was signs of struggle
Strands of hair on the floor
Stains of blood in that piece of cloth she have

Lifeless eyes, unfold blankets
Soundless cries
Continuous drops of water running down through her cheeks

Yet she still acts untroubled,
Afraid of the sight
Sight of how fragile she is
Sight of how disarrayed she is

Her own solitude comforts her
However, it crosses her mind
How nice it is
To have someone's ears

The shallow nights she spends
Are inescapable
The hushed sobs she freed
Are barely noticeable

She endures everything
Yet she calls it frail
A blurry vision
Mouth closed

How things changed so abruptly
How she got more empty
Will always be unexplainable
But maybe, she was really meant to be


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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Sep 15, 2022 ⏰

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