Ending of the Beginning

19 3 1

Written around March 2021


In a cold room, you'll find her

you'll find her crying buckets of tears

you'll find her questioning herself

you'll find her excessively thinking of a mistake she never did

"Where did I go wrong?"

She was always forgiving

understanding, waiting

But she's already fractured, injured, and full of scars

She always finds the soul in everything

while she's slowly losing her own soul

The walls that she built are not to close the door

but to hide the vulnerable girl

Damaged as a fragile glass

Fallen, not in the mass of clouds

But mass of knives, continuing to hurt her

Maybe it was the butterflies that keeps her from holding on

But it was the bees, that continues to stung her

Every night she wished for the stars to take her back from the start

When she hadn't met her moon yet

Her eyes are like the waterfalls

But tomorrow it will still bloom like a flower

Will continue to hide what's already dead inside

Will continue to love even though pain is the only thing left on the plate

She never wished for her prince charming

She never needed someone to save her

But are you that cruel enough?

To let the princess drown in the dark swamp where she'll get clouded by the darkness

She doesn't need you to hold her

Cut the rope and she'll fix it herself at the end of the day

Even though her hands bleed

She was soft and gentle like an air

But by inflicting pain on her

You've put gunpowder

Turns out she's a ticking bomb

It must be hard for her

To see things, to feel things


She never learned her lesson

She should be taking her rest every night

But instead, she's trying to analyze someone who can never be analyzed by anyone

Even if it breaks her head

Even if it breaks her..

She never needed anything from that someone

She never expected anything because since day one, she was already bleeding

But continues to hold on to that someone's words

Because maybe, while she was searching for his soul

She found something beautiful

Not noticing the spikes around her

When she noticed the spikes

She was brave enough to walk through it

While her feet is shaking, the pain was already unbearable from the start

But she pretended to bear it.

Because she wanted to be heard by him.

In the end, the princess never really needed the prince to save her

She already realized that the prince wouldn't even bother to jump puddles for her

Since the prologue of the story, she already knew the prince isn't brave enough

The princess only wished for one thing

For her prince to tell her to stop

Stop jumping oceans

Stop walking through the spikes

Stop trying to look through his soul

Stop risking

Stop crying buckets of tears

Stop waiting for me.

She hoped for answers


Even though, she already realized

That it may not come

You can tell that it's a love story

Not a tragic one

It's a love story

That didn't even have its first chapter

It's not incomplete

It's just that only a hand writes it

The other hand already disappeared

And the hand that remains?

Writing the story with blood

Trying to end a story

That didn't even start

To the prince in the story,

The princess wants to meet you again

But not in this eclipse

Not now while the sun still sets

Not when her hand still bleeds

When she had already stitched her scars

When she already decided to break down the walls she built

When she's ready to face her trauma

Yes, you've traumatized her

Let's now continue our chapters.

But we're now on a different book.

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