Chapter Twenty-Four

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I do not own Harry Potter or Yu-Gi-Oh! Characters. Only my OC character (s).

I don't make any profit from any of my stories on this website.

Rated M due to language.

"Characters Speaking"
Characters Thinking
/Authors Comments\


Mokuba's face pales. "It can't can't be that Nii-sama is putting me through the hellish experience?" Smoke fills the box, and monsters appear before Mokuba, causing him to scream.

Isis narrows her eyes at Kaiba before looking at Mokuba.

Yami stops and looks back toward the box. "Mokuba!" I can't believe Kaiba would put his little brother through a punishment game.

~~~With Jounouchi and Miho~~~

Elsewhere, Jounouchi and Miho run down a dark corridor. They come to a stop, breathing heavily. "Damn it...where is that Honda? And Yuugi and Isis's jii-san."

Footsteps are heard, causing Miho to look behind her, surprised. "B-Bakura-kun?"

"B-Bakura!" Jounouchi exclaims, surprised. "Y-you! What are you doing here?"

Bakura doesn't answer. He just lifts a finger and points to the side.

"It can't be; Honda is over there?" Jounouchi queries. Jounouchi looks in front of him before looking around, confused.

"Bakura-kun?" Miho questions, confused as he has disappeared.

"F-for now, let's check. Let's go, Miho!" Jounouchi orders before running in that direction.

"Yeah!" Miho agrees before running after him.

~~~Isis's POV~~~

Mokuba continues to scream from inside the box. I narrow my eyes before rushing forward.

"My Queen?" Yami calls out as I run past him.

I ignore him and rush over to the box. I hold out my hand. "Mokuba!" I call out softly. "Take my hand!"

My hand is taken, and I gently pull him from the box, Mokuba landing in my arms. He looks up at me. "You are...Isis."

"Are you alright, little one?" I question softly.

He hesitantly nods his head. "Why? Why did you help me?"

My eyes soften. "Why shouldn't I?"

"That..." Mokuba trails off.

Yami walks over and looks down at Mokuba. "I won the game because I have friends that reach out their hands to me."

"Friends?" Mokuba repeats. Yami and I walk forward and hear Mokuba fall to his knees.

~~~3rd POV~~~

~~~With Jounouchi and Miho~~~

Jounouchi and Miho enter the door and let out a gasp. "This is...! Honda! Jii-san!"

In the middle of the room is an hourglass with Honda and Sugoroku unconscious at the bottom, lying in the water.

~~~With Kaiba~~~

Kaiba closes the briefcase filled with cards before standing up. "Let's go! Death-T Five. The final stage! I will have my revenge in full here."

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