"Don't want you to be jealous of the family jewels."

"What about this whole 'faster than Speedy Gonzolez" crap, huh?"

"Yeah yeah yeah... Now get off me so I can strip."

"Before that, answer something for me."

"Okay, what?"

David hesitates. "What you said before you took off... Did you say that to mess me up or did you really mean it. If you would have won, I mean."

"Does it matter?" I laugh. "You'll never know unless I win, and technically we're still racing. Are you going to let me win?" I raise my eyebrow at him.

You can see in his eyes that he's thinking hard about every possible angle of the situation that I posed just to mess him up. Sure, I want to kiss him. Sometimes. But he's my best friend. I don't want to ever screw that up, so I've repressed my crush on him since we were little.

A little time passes. I try to get up several times, but each time he pushes me back down easily while not even paying attention to me. Like a cat playing with a mouse while contemplating how to get that bird up above.

Finally David got up. Without even turning back, he calmly walked over to the finish line, crossed it, then walked back.

"Now tell me."

"But I didn't win!" I pouted.

He sighs. "Are you ever going to tell me?" He finally sounds resigned to never hear it. Yes! Subject: Avoided.

I pretend to think about it seriously. "Probably not... I mean, I'll more than likely forget within a week that we even had this race."

David helps me up and slings his arm over my shoulders. "Come on Ty. Let's go home and  watch a movie so I can finally get some sleep."

"Can we watch a chick flick?" I'm starting to get excited.

David chuckles. "Hell no. But we can watch a dude movie with Vin Diesel in it. You think he's hot right?"

"Two words about Vinny: De and Licious. Or 'Marry Me' but I think he's straight... hmmm...." I go into pondering and reviewing Vin in every scene that I can remember off the top of my head.

"You are so easy to appease." He grins and kisses my forehead. That was such a shock that I forgot about what I was thinking about.

"You... Did you just...?" I touched my forehead where he kissed me.

"You said that you would forget in about a week. Well, just in case you did want a kiss from me, now you have it. Next time, just ask me. It saves me the pain of having to read your mind. Okay?" David just smiles so genuinely that I can't but smile back for a second.

"Hey wait! You can't read peoples minds!"

"Nope, not everyone's mind. Just yours."


"Not telling you."

"Aww, C'mon David! How do you read my mind?" I'm part pleading, part demanding at this point.

David just kisses my forehead again and squeezes my shoulders. "Just drop it. Now let's watch a movie that shows a good looking guy taking his shirt off. That will distract you for a while."

*     *     *     *     *

Cute guys, fast cars, tons of action and explosions, then don't forget the bulging muscles on Vin Diesel's arms and you have a recipe for amazing movies.

David and I are curled up on the couch. Okay, he's lounging on one end and falling asleep and I'm curled up next to him. Just like old times. I happily sigh and cuddle closer before falling asleep.

* David's POV *

I wait several minutes after Ty's breathing slows down then carefully move him so that he is still close, but I can move around if I want to.

If he thinks I'm going to let him leave this town without me, he's wrong. We've been stuck together like glue since kindergarten and if it wasn't for me, he'd have been beat up countless times. 

So if he wants to leave this town, fine. And if he wants to leave all of those other idiot friends of his, I'm not going to complain. But if he thinks that he can leave me behind... his friends' stupidity obvioiusly rubbed off on him and I'm just going to have to wash it off.

I carefully get off of the couch so that Taylor doesn't shift. Which pocket did I put those things in? I search my bag until my hand brushes against cold metal. I grab them and hold them in my hands so they warm up. If they are the body's temperature, then Taylor won't notice until morning.

After they finally get quite warm, I grab a blanket, take my position on the couch and nudge Taylor. It was a trick I found when we were in middle school and we slept like this all the time. I nudge him and he curls back up with me. It's made sneaking off to use the bathroom in the middle of the night total bliss. 

When Taylor gets comfortable again, I take the metal and have it make some clicking sounds. With that done, I throw my arm around him and pull him closer so that I'm comfortable. Then I finally go to sleep.

* Taylor's POV *

MMMMMMMmmmmmmmm......... Going to sleep watching a movie with hot guys is highly recommended. You get some very dreamy dreams. 

I'm still waking up slowly, checking to see how my body is doing piece by piece. My right leg feels funny. Probably from sleeping on it. Great. Now I'm going to have pins and needles when I start moving. Every other body part seems fine, so that means that all I have to do now is stretch like a cat and yawn really big.

Hmmm? My hand won't move much. It seems to be tied down by something that limits how much I can move it. 

It's peculiar enough that I open my eyes and check. Something that looks like a bracelet is on my wrist and blinding me when I angle it a certain way and catch the sunlight. As I use my other hand to rub the sleep sand out of my eyes, I can focus better and realize that that is not a bracelet. It's handcuffs!

I jerk at the cuff and David's hand moves. I jerk it a few more times with the same result. Huh... So David handcuffed me. I take a deep breath.


David jumps awake and yawns. "I told you that I wouldn't stop you from leaving. But you are not leaving without me."

Oh crud. Well my new life just became more complicated....

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - -    - - - - - - - - -  - - - - - - - ---- - - - - - - 

A/N: Well! I like how this turned out so far, how about you guys?

I will admit that some of the things that happened in this chapter I made sure to add (as opposed to my usual writing by letting words flow out of my fingers) a few tidbits so that I could bring a few other things out later on in the story. I may not know everything that is going to happen, but I know a few things that I need to happen so that I am pleased with this story.

I've been thinking of adding my old stories back onto Wattpad... Do you want to read them? Warning: They are not like this story! There is blood and dark writing in them! Not for the faint of heart, and NOT for children... Just don't tell my therapist about what happens in my head. I'd have more meds than I already do. (Just kidding! I don't have a therapist. =P )

Loves, Laters, Byes!!


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