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"Rosie, did you make the food that was in the fridge?"

Fayez Al Najjar spoke to his sister from the kitchen as she was sitting in the living area of their shared apartment.

He held a plastic container in his hand, filled to the brim with some kind of food, and he had no idea what it was.

Hence why he had asked his older sister.


Omorose stood in the doorway of the kitchen, making her younger brother jump in surprise.

"And? What is it?" Fayez questioned the woman with raised eyebrows.

"Food." Omorose deadpanned.

Fayez rolled his dark brown eyes at his sister, before she smirked.

"It's Chicken. It's okay, you're good to eat it." Omorose ruffled the curly hair of her brother as she watched as he grinned at the relief.

It was always something that she did, making food that didn't contain pork, because whilst she was not a Muslim, her brother was.

The only problem was, Fayez could not cook for shit.

He would burn literally anything that he cooked. He had burnt soup, potatoes, rice, even toast.

Fayez immediately grabbed a fork and began eating the food that had been stored in a plastic container in the fridge, deeply enjoying the food that his sister had made.

Omorose watched as her brother walked past her as he was eating, noodles hanging out of his mouth signalling how hungry he was.

"Rosie, can you get me a glass of water, please?" Fayez questioned as he sat down in the loving area of their shared apartment.

His sister released a scoff as she filled a glass up with water for her brother, before she walked towards where her brother was, and placing the glass down in front of him.

"Thank you." Fayez thanked his older sibling, noticing that she rolled her eyes at him.

"When's that friend of yours coming to pick you up?" Omorose questioned her younger brother as she sat down beside her brother, inhaling the scent of the food that she had cooked.

"Don't know."

"Oh, well that's so helpful, Fayez."

A knock on the door sounded as both siblings released a groan.

"You idiot!" Omorose used her hand to slap the back of her brothers head, sending his head and his curls jolting forwards.

The eldest of the two siblings raised themselves from the sofa and made their way towards the front door, before unlocking it and pulling the door open.

And she came face to face with a man with the biggest smile that she had ever seen.

"Hey, Rosie."

The man greeted the sister of his best friend for the first time, watching as she stared at him in confusion.

"Uh, hey person."

Fayez laughed as he noticed the confused look on his sisters face and stood to his feet to walk towards the door where his best friend was grinning like a Cheshire cat.

"Introduce yourself, man. She has no idea who you are." Fayez laughed.

"Oh, sorry I forgot about that." The man with an Australian accent laughed, his gleeful smile prominent.

"Well, Rosie, it's nice to finally meet you. I'm Daniel, the best friend of your idiot brother." Daniel greeted the woman, offering his hand for a handshake.

"Well, the idiot part sounds about right." Omorose muttered underneath her breath as she shook the man's hand.

She had been aware that her brother had some friends, but she had never met them in her life.

She had always believed that the friends of her brother were the ones who fed him when he wouldn't come back to their apartment for days on end, since she knew that he could not cook to save his life.

She had never met the friends of her brother, since they would pick him up in their cars from outside of the apartment with his suitcase and never usually come to the door where she would be.

"That's a bit unfair." Fayez frowned, his bottom lip protruding outwards as he pouted slightly.

"Is it?" Both Omorse and Daniel spoke at the same time.

Their gaze shot to each other with raised eyebrows and small smiles, realising that both of them liked to bully the younger sibling.

"Oh no." Fayez released a groan. "I know that look. That's the 'letsbebestfriendsandbullyFayeztogetherlook'. I really hate that look."

Daniel grinned, gently placing his arm around the woman's shoulder, rather loosely so that she didn't feel uncomfortable since he was very aware that this was the first time that she had actually met him.

"I've changed my mind, man. I think your sister is now my best friend." Daniel's loud laughter filled the whole apartment, unintentionally making both of the siblings before him smile at the sound which they both found happy to their ears.

"I'll take a best friend right now." Omorse laughed loudly, making her brother stare at her in awe.

His sister didn't often laugh anymore, so to hear her laugh like she was, was making him the happiest man alive.

He knew that she struggled trusting people to make friends, since her last group of friends turned out to be a very toxic friend group who had wanted to lead her astray.

Thankfully, before things could go too far, his sister had noticed their toxic behaviour and was able to walk away, but it didn't mean that she had found new friends since.

So, he hoped that his friends could become her friends too, because he knew how nice and caring his friends were, and he knew that his friends would look after his older sister if she joined their circle of friends.

He hoped that she would.

Whilst she annoyed him all the time, by mentioning that she was the older sibling, the older twin, by twelve minutes, he still wanted his sister to be able to be happy.

He had wanted his sister to fill the void that was deep within her chest, since he knew that she never opened up to anyone, or cared for anyone.

After she had stepped away from the toxic friend group, it was almost as if she had closed her heart down to anybody who wasn't him.

There was a missing piece of her somewhere, either laying around somewhere in the world, or in a person who was also missing a piece of themselves.

He hoped that by bringing his sister to the Formula One races of his friends, that she would be able to find that missing piece.

And never let go of it again.



Introduction chapter is a go!

I hope this is good enough, because as I've said in my other books, I make it all up as I go along.

I call it, spontaneous piece of shit time, every single time that I upload.

And honestly, whatever vibes chapters give off, I can never name, so that is called...

🌠Ruby's mind vibes🌠

Anyway, enjoy the Introduction

Love you all


MISSING PIECES/// LEWIS HAMILTONWhere stories live. Discover now