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Fayez Al Najjar was definitely not expecting to wake up in the morning to see his sister in the living area of their shared apartment, on the back of his best friend, Daniel Ricciardo.

The two of them were dressed as cowboys and were dancing to Country music, seemingly completely unbothered to possibility that he would appear and see them as they were.

"Am I hallucinating right now? What on earth am I seeing?"

Fayez chuckled lightly to himself, his dark eyebrows furrowed together in extreme confusion, his lips almost completely invisible due to how tight his lips had been closed in order to stop himself from laughing.

"We're from mighty Texas, yeehaw!"

Daniel Ricciardo spoke in a fake accent that sounded nothing like it was supposed to be, nearly sounding South African instead, his face bright and full of happiness.

He held a pink cowboy hat upon his dark and curled hair, which also had some small pink feathers attached to it, whereas the person on his back, had a camel toned brown cowboy hat on as well as some cowboy boots.

"We're rootin' tootin' cowboys!"

Omorose Al Najjar managed to get a slightly better accent to leave her lips, because whilst she didn't sound like she was a cowboy or from Texas, at least she sounded American.

She doubted that it was how Texans actually spoke, but she had never been to the state, having only seen many western movies, most of which starred one of two actors; John Wayne or Clint Eastwood.

So until she had better knowledge of the actual Texan accent, she resorted to her very dodgy and inaccurate one.

"Have you got brain injuries or something?" Fayez laughed, wrinkles forming around his bright and heavily amused eyes as he found their antics and stupid accents too funny to not laugh at.

"We watched a movie and now we're cowboys!"

"Which movie?"

"The Good, The Bad And The Ugly."

It was an old western movie from the sixties but the two of them enjoyed the movie in the sense that it helped them imagine what it would be like to be a cowboy and what they would do if they were as such.

Fayez rolled the dark of his eyes at their behavior whilst laughing to himself, before moving to the kitchen to grab a glass of orange juice, whilst also sending a very quick text message to one of his best friend's to see if he would come round to their apartment and keep him company since the other two were very clearly lost in the Wild West.

He recieved a reply instantly which was positive, making him breathe a sigh of relief.

In the meantime as the Muslim man waited for his friend to arrive, he took a look inside of their fridge in order to find some food, obviously not wanting to cook himself since he knew that he would only end up giving himself severe food poisoning or burn everything to charcoal.

His face lit up in to a bright smile as he found a container filled with food, a small label upon it that held his name written by his sister, and the meat that it was.

It was beef, not Pork.

The Al Najjar man quickly grabbed a hold of a fork from their cutlery drawer in order to start eating the food, which he knew was going to be amazing because it both looked and smelt amazing.

He was completely right.

It was by fair one of the best meals that he had ever tried, and he hadn't even realised how quickly he was eating it until he glanced at the time upon his phone screen to see that he had eaten the contents of the entire container in two minutes.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04 ⏰

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