625 - The Final Mission

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Odd waited for the Kalamar to open his shell. It opened, and shooted the vertical laser. Odd shooted the Torpedos, that avoided the laser and cooked the Kalamar. Odd then avoided the laser.

Aelita: Even if they have those lasers, they're not invincible! Odd just took out one of them!

Bloom: Well done! (spots something) Oh no, Aelitaa to your left!

Aelita pulled the Joysticks, and the Skid avoided another Vertical Laser that was coming in their way. It was another Gold Kalamar.

Bloom: Brase yourself, sis!

Aelita: Got it!

Aelita and bloom prepared as the fourth Kalamar appeared. William took a chance and snicked behind the other two. Ulrich and Yumi acted as bait and made one of the enemies shoot the laser.

Yumi: Ready?

Ulrich: Always!

Yumi and Ulrich shooted at the monster, and took it out. The other charged, but William came from behind.

William: Not exactly nice teamwork you have with your buddies! (aims) TORPEDOS!!!

William's Torpedos shooted down the third Kalamar. Aelita and Bloom closed in to the fourth one. The monster shooted its laser. They moved out.

Bloom. I have an idea!

Aelita: Are you thinking what I think you thinking?

Bloom: Yeah, good thinking!

Bloom moved straight to the Kalamar. The monster shooted again, but Aelita shooted the Skid's Torpedos, and managed to block the shots. Bloom charged her attack.


Bloom's energized Flame of Sirenix shooted down the Kalamar. The Network turned blue, and everyone regrouped.

Aelita: Navskids in!


The Skid returned to its main route. Passing through the Network Buildings, they finally reached the Virtual World.

Aelita: We're closing in to the Volcano Sector, Jeremy! (the Skid stops at the entrance) Rotation! (stabilizes the Skid) Digital Key, Activated!

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Aelita: We're closing in to the Volcano Sector, Jeremy! (the Skid stops at the entrance) Rotation! (stabilizes the Skid) Digital Key, Activated!

Aelita: We're closing in to the Volcano Sector, Jeremy! (the Skid stops at the entrance) Rotation! (stabilizes the Skid) Digital Key, Activated!

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