Before Aidan could ask more, the officers told him to return back home as food and resources will be distributed. Aidan gave a defeated look and left. He told Diana about the whole thing. Diana rubbed her chin but shrugged it off.

About an hour later, someone came to the door and the doorbell rang.  Aidan opened the door to see a foreign UN peacekeeping volunteer with a blue beret carrying a military ration package, he seems to be Korean. Noticing Diana was inside, he asked his friend to hand him another package

"These are food and that would last for a day, there will another distribution tomorrow." the volunteer said as he handed the box though was light. He bowed and continued walking with his friend speaking Korean. 

The days after were quiet. The street had no cars on it other than military vehicles rumbling on the streets doing their daily patrol. Aidan knew the government was obviously hiding something. Based on reports he read online and the situation he experienced in Kuala Lumpur, he believes that there is a zombie apocalypse raging on in the nation. Aidan tries to bring it up to Diana as to cure boredom, but it was apparent that Diana was uncomfortable about it. Aidan noticed it and decided not to talk about it further.

Over the next few nights on that week, the volunteers always provided all residents with military rations. At the same time, Diana was speaking to them every night as they come by.

"They are Koreans!" Diana told Aidan with full glee "One of them is North Korean, the other from the South." she continued. Aidan laughed, glad to see her happy during these trying times. She was excited to see them again the next night, but no one ever came to the door to her dismay. Diana was disappointed and bugged Aidan about it.

"Could you go down to check if they are alright?" she begged Aidan
Aidan shook his head and said, "I am lazy."
"Aww, come on, pleaseeeee." she begged some more to which she was rejected again.
She playfully punched Aidan's leg in desperation.

"Fine, fine, I will go and check it out," Aidan said and Diana cheered.
Aidan took the elevator and headed downstairs. Upon the opening of the door, he could see soldiers, police officers and paramedics in a state of panic. Soldiers and officers were holding rifles and got into battle position at the boom gate. One UN Peacekeeping soldier approached Aidan and shouted, "Sir, please return to your home immediately." He was wearing a blue army helmet and a thick vest while he was sweating profusely.

"What is going on?" Aidan asked.
"It doesn't concern you, return home now!" he raised his voice which got the attention of other officers and soldiers. Aidan gave a slight bow of apology and went home. Diana looked with expectancy as Aidan returned. After Aidan told her what had happened, Diana's smile turned upside down. 

"They seem to be preparing for war," Aidan mentioned
Diana didn't respond.
"Oh, I haven't opened up my phone in a while, let's see what is on the news today." Aidan said to himself.

The first article appeared on his feed titled, "The Government Can't Hide It Anymore! A War Not Against Terrorist But Something More Serious."

As he read the article states that it is no doubt a zombie apocalypse going on and the terror attacks excuse was just a poor cover-up by the government. The article further stated that zombies had successfully infiltrated Penang Island 3 days ago. Aidan grew concerned as he read the article further. The article said that the Southern part of Penang has been overrun by zombies.

Feeling disturbed, Aidan put down his phone and saw that Diana was still saddened that she didn't get to see the two Korean volunteers again. He decided to approach her. As he approached her, there was a loud explosion from a distance. Instinctively, Aidan shielded Diana as the explosion blasted the glass around them. They weren't hurt though shaken.

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