67. Fast Forward

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When Jennie came back to Seoul, Lisa was not even in Korea. She had to go to US for her project. The suggestions she gave to Grandpa Kim were actually executed and now both Jisoo and Lisa are travelling to US together to get the said technology.

Jennie busied herself by practicing and working on some new songs. It's not like she had much time before she had to go again for the tour.

They talked on call and cleared all the misunderstandings. It was easier when they actually talked calmly. 

When they finally met they went on dates and took full advantage of every minute they spent together.

Jennie even went as far as to posting a picture of their silhouettes kissing on top of the hill.

Jennie even went as far as to posting a picture of their silhouettes kissing on top of the hill

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It was amazing how much support she got after that picture was posted. People could see the long hair and body shape of her lover. They guessed that Jennie Kim is actually in a relationship with a girl.

On the way to her next concert in Melbourne she spotted fans with rainbow stickers in their faces. Some had rainbow coloured clothes and posters that supported LGBTQ+ community.

Concert in Melbourne and Sydney were the same, filled with love and support from fans. All the hate she received was nothing in front of the love she was getting. Her fans were defending her in the comment section of all the news websites.

She even cried when her school where she studied in Auckland, New Zealand made a video to support LGBTQ. It was played during her concert in Auckland.

Her official world tour was ended on a good note. Now only her additional private concerts are left.

First stop is Paris which was going be held on 23rd July. It was beautifully executed. She played the acoustic version of her songs. Because there were only 300 people, interaction was easy.

Her concert in Thailand was on 1st August. She was happy to see Marco and Chittip attending her concert. She had dinner later with the both of them. She felt like a part of their family because even though Lisa was not there, they still spent some time with her.

Her concerts in Seoul were on 6 and 7 August. 1st day went as the other two concerts were.

The 2nd day concert on 7th August was special because next day was her debute anniversary.

Even though the venue was kept a secret until last moment a lot fans were still gathered outside to see her.

Today she was going to perform her new song that is not yet released. At exactly 12am when she will be singing the song live there will be a live broadcast for all her global fans.

Lisa is definately attending today's concert that too as Jennie's personal photographer.


The concert is starting at 9p.m. It is a late night concert so I managed to do all my work before going there.

I got in my Bugatti Chiron where my camera bag was resting and went straight to the reserved parking lot for the staff members of the venue. Taking my staff pass and my camera bag I made my way inside the beautiful Auditorium.

It was only 6p.m and only a few of the other camera man and a lot of crew members were present.

I looked around to see Jennie but she was not there. I text her informing that I'm here before exploring and taking a few pictures. It feels good to capture every moment again.

Everyone was busy preparing the venue for the mini concert. I saw a few videos my parents sent me from her concert in Thailand just to make me jealous, now I can finally see her live once again after so long.

She came out soon with a smile on her face for the rehersals. When our eyes met she smiled even more and waved at me like we didn't just saw each other this morning.

I feel like we are in a live-in relationship, we spend almost all of our time together. We even sleep at each others home together most of the times when she's in Korea.

I plan to ask her to move in with me. Is it the right time guys??? Am I going too Fast forward in our relationship?

Anyway I chatted with a few crew members I knew from before and the photographers who were preparing for the live broadcast that will happen at midnight.

Jennie didn't tell me anything about her new song. The only thing I know is that I inspired her to write that song. Guess I will have to wait till midnight to listen to it.

Soon the Auditorium started filling with fans. There were approx 400 people inside including the security, crew, fans, dancers, and everyone that's needed.

9p.m. came soon after that too. I took pictures of the crowd, most of them showing off their support for gay people. I smiled at the thought that Jennie was getting so much love and support from her fans even after so many days of posting that picture.


The lights dimmed and everyone went quite for a moment as the sweet voice of Jennie resonated throughout the space.

"Hey boy"

People went crazy as there was a pause for atleast 30 seconds and only the whistling sound could be heard from the speakers.

The auditorium was dark except the single spotlight that lit out of nowhere focusing on the one and only Jennie Kim. She was sitting on a high stool with a mic in her hand. Another dim light lit up at the corner where her band members were sitting with their instruments.

She started singing 'Whistle' as her opening song. People were singing with her, it was amazing how she made everyone follow her along the beats.

"Hello everyone. I'm so happy to meet you all. Are you excited for this show as much as I am?"

The crowd shouted in affirmation. This made Jennie laugh and continue her speech.

"You won't believe how tough it is to make an acoustic version of a pop song. I tried my best with this one and I hope you like it. Here goes crazy over you."

Jennie started singing again with so much passion. Her voice reached out to each person present on the venue. I took pictures of people trying to do the choreography of the song.

I looked at Jennie pulling down my camera when she started dancing on the chores of the song. She crouched down on the side and slowly stood up swaying her hips. I gulped when she smirked looking at me.

I shook my head and continued snapping pictures of her.

If the first Chorus made me gulp than the second had me sweating. She crouched down again but this time instead of standard she opened her knees apats while dancing and those hair flips.

She had everyone in the auditorium screaming for her. I was standing in the front, Perks of being her personal photographer. She came closer to me in the end and acted like she's looking at my camera. She finished the song with a wink, exactly as I looked at her in the eye.

"Love me like crazy... I love you crazy."

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