60. All Black

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I heard her cheerful voice as soon as she picked up the call.

"Hieee Liiiii" I smiled, Yeah she calls me Li sometimes, she is lazy to even call me Lili sometimes. "What are you doing? Are you in office already? What are you wearing right now? I really want to see you in formals. Why didn't you woke me up?" I could hear the pout in her voice, I left when she was sleeping.

"Heyy Heyy slow down a litte" I slightly laughed

"But I wanted to see you off on your first day" She said like a child. She actually stayed in my apartment just to see me off in the morning. Totally Wife material.

"I tried to wake you up, But I guess you were really tired from yesterday's training, So I just let you sleep because I was getting late." I could hear her whining which made me giggle again. "Hey let's do a video call. I can show you my office and my outfit together. I do need some expert advice for the décor."

She didn't answer, instead she was video calling me already. I picked up the call with the back camera on. I showed her my entire office first and saw just how excited she was to see it. There was a door in the office leading to a private lounge area where I can rest and also a washroom. Through the mirror I showed her my outfit.

"I should have guessed you will be wearing black." She said with a poker face and didn't even react looking at my outfit.

"Don't you like it?" I asked with a pout because this is actually my style.

"You always wear black. There is nothing new." she deadpanned

"Huh" I scoffed "Ask all my female employees if there is anything new or not. I know for a fact that they will like it even if I wear all black every day."

Oopss Wrong Move Manoban.

I literally felt her eyes burning holes through my body. She sat up straight and looked at me angrily.

"Are you there for flirting or working Lalisa Manoban." She roared through the phone.

Full name... I'm dead. Be strong Manoban.

"Me? I'm Working of course. But I can't control their actions." I replied with steady voice.

Yes you can do it.

She raised an eyebrow, maybe surprised to actually see me not stuttering already. "I thought you were the boss." she said sarcastically.

"Boss for their work, not for their feeling."

"Hmm.." she hmmed and I thought the kitten is calmed but hell No. "You are not going to wear black in office from now on." She ordered with a straight face.

"Whattt.... But I love black outfits. You know that."

"No Buts.. I'm burning all your black clothes" She had an evil smile on her face.

"Jennie baby please don't do this. I promise I will behave. I will not look at any girl. Please not my black clothes."

"Your Black clothes or Me."

"Black clothes...." I said without actually thinking. As soon as her question registered in my mind and I looked at her she was already making way toward my closet. "Jennie..." I shouted "Waittt Jennie I choose you." Thank god I was in the private room or my employees would have heard me shouting.

She came out of the closet with my favorite black leather jacket in her hand. I looked at her with horror on my face. I was pleading her not to do anything to it but she just adjusted the camera so that I can get better view of what she was doing.

"Oh my god... Jennie please not my baby. I love that jacket."

"Of course this is your baby... You chose this over me." She dropped the jacket on the floor and stepped on it.

No No No No No....

"Jennie baby. I'm sorry... I didn't hear your question. Of course I choose you. Please don't do that to my favorite jacket. I will do anything you want. Just don't do that." She stopped and came close to the camera leaving the jacket on the floor.

"Meet me in my apartment 8pm sharp" she dropped the call after that.

I could only pray for my jacket now.


Jennie planned to tease Lisa to death for making her Jealous.

She postponed her plan to burn all her black clothes because even though she don't want to say it out loud, but Lisa looked really hot in that outfit and that is only for her eyes to see.

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