A "Different" Way of coping 🌶

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Kazuha has issues with self harm he's been clean for a few months and he really felt like relapsing today

But he did something that is extremely hard to do

He called his lover.

He tried his best to ignore the thoughts of being a burden and called him




Scaramouche had just been out for a week or so with the fatui for a shit ton of party's he was gonna be home in a hour but Kazuha knew he wouldn't be able to take another hour


"Yes Love?"


This was harder to say then Kazuha expected

"Love, don't worry you can tell me ok?"

"I-Its getting bad again"

Scaras eyes got a worried look

"Did you do it?"


"Okay that's good I'm proud of you."

They tried out different coping methods while Scara was on his way home but none of them worked they hung up when Scara was 15 minutes away

Knock Knock..

Kazuha goes and opens the door and takes Scaras suitcase but stays quiet


Kazuha jumped and turned to look at him

"Show me."

Kazuha pulled up his sleeves his scars were little reopened, but not to much just scratched, no Blood ether

Which is amazing

"I'm glad you didn't fully reopen them, I'm proud of you"

"Mhm, That's because you said there was 1 more way that you could help with"

Scara hoped he'd forget about that.

It was a way that his friend was joking with him about

"Well, you see, I can show you it but.."

"But what?"

"I don't want you to think that I'm using your issue to please myself"

"I'd never think that. It's been 3 years if you wanted me for something that isn't me then I would've found out by now."

"I guess your right"

"I want you to show me the method"

Scara sighs and tries to not let his anxiety control him


He leads Kazuha to the bedroom while kissing him and locks the door

He pins Kazuha on the wall And takes his shirt off starts to give him hickeys everywhere


Scara gets impatient and wants to please him more he throws him on the bed

Kazuha is blushing like a tamato

Kazuha pov

Scara looks hungry almost looking at my body like a 5 star meal

My body

My body

My disgusting and scarred body

3rd Person pov

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