Kinn nod his head.

Hours passed. And there is noise.

Arm and Pol and others bring the happy Tankhun to his room.

They all gave respect to Kinn.
And there came Porsche.

Porsche is a bit startled when he saw Kinn.
He paused.
But he.bowed.
Then he walked on.

Kinn kept his cool.
Calm down Kinn.
He said to himself.

He then went to his room.
Laid on his bed.

Blinked many times and can't sleep.
The face of Porsche shocked remained in his brain.

"Damn!" He shouted.

Since Porsche became part of the bodyguards. He never displeases the family.

"Maybe it not hate" he mouthed.

He get up and drinked Rhum so he can sleep easier.
But even if he is drunk.
It's hard to sleep.

Stop thinking of him.
Stop thinking.
This run in his brain till he is too tired and finally slept.
Another day in the mansion.

The kitchen crew are done for breakfast.
For some guards, it's time to start their shift and for some. It's time to sleep.

The prime are in the training ground for warm up.
The reserved are in the covered gym.

Is in Tankhun's room.
Comforting the crying Tankhun.

"Nong Porsche..." Tankhun cries.

"Nong...." He continues.

"Stop crying na Khun.... " Porsche talks like he is talking to a child.

But Tankhun continued crying.

"You look ugly when you cry" he whispered.

Tankhun cried louder.

"What do you want me to do for you to stop crying?" Porsche asked.

"Nong.... No one cares for me" he cried.

"P' Tankhun we all care na." Porsche said.

"No you only care because you're paid to care." Tankhun cried.

"P'.. I am paid for being a bodyguard. But I am here because I care na." Porsche said.

Tankhun sobs.
And gasp for air.

Porsche give him water.

"Will you accompany me?" Tankhun asked.

"Yes Khun Tankhun. Now stop the cry and start begin the day" Porsche said.

Tankhun smiled.

"The come" Tankhun pulled Porsche hand.
They stopped in front of the three big mirrors inT Tankhun's closet.

They choose Tankhun's outfit of the day.

"Where are we going?" Porsche said.

"Just follow me." The boss said in command.
Porsche bowed.

Tankhun walks like a boss. While Porsche follows him.

But their direction Porsche hesitates. But Tankhun nod his head towards the door.
So Porsche opened the door for him and bowed as he walks in. Then follow.

"Khun. I will go the other way na." Porsche said softly.

"Guide me first to my seat then you can go" Tankhun responded also in soft voice.

Tankhun walks towards the family table. Porsche opened the chair for him. Beside Kinn. He bowed to the first family.
Help Tankhun seat properly. Bowed and went to blend in the second line.

The primes knows Porsche should be with them.
But they can't do anything
At least Porsche now eats with all of them. And not alone in the kitchen or else where.

"Kun you looked like you cried." Korn asked his eldest son.

"It's nothing pah I just had head ache and can't bear it. But my bodyguard help me." Tankhun responded happily.

Pol and Arm looked at each other.
They know Tankhun was snot drunk last night.
They know this is another Tankhun drama.

"Kinn what time will you go home tonight?" Tankhun asked.

"Around 6-7 maybe?" Kinn responded.
Tankhun nod his head.

"What about you Nong Kim?" Tankhun asked.

"I have a session tonight I can't come home." He answers.

"Well send your second line there" Korn said.

"I don't need protection." Kim said.

"As audience" Korn said.

Kim clapped his hands. "You guys are really supportive" he said sarcastically.

"We can come" Tankhun said.

Kim raised his hand telling his brother to stop.
"Thanks but that will cause further trouble so yeah no thanks na p'." Kim said.

Tankhun nod his head.

"Why did you asked by the way?" Kinn asked.

"I am inviting you and your prime to the SPA." Tankhun said.

Korn smirked.
Pete looked at Big. They nod at each other. Arm and Pol also smirked.

After meal.
Porsche stood and waits for Tankhun. Other primes stood with him.

They all bowed when the King passes by.
And stayed in position and bowed when the Master and two young master's passes by.

Porsche followed Tankhun. Pol and Arm also.

"What is Khun's drama?" Arm asked Porsche.

"He cried no one cares for him." Porsche whispered back

"At least he made you eat with us" Arm said.
Porsche just smirked.

About that. He is about at ease the king did not scold him.

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