"Please, go on and encourage us." Korra's father winked. 

The conversation kept going like this, which Asami cherished. Seeing Korra's family dynamic was intresting and hilarious at the same time... She never had anything like that with her father. She loved him dearly, but she didn't really feel comfortable being this way with him. As it turns out though, a lot of it was in her head. Just like how she thought he wouldn't approve of her beimg bi, she just assumed those things about him. Maybe she needed to open up more. 

On the other hand, she was pretty sure that if she were to be honest with him about everything, it'll break his heart. 

After a while, Korra had announced that she wanted to take a shower before heading out to the city, and though Asami had contemplated joining in, she assumed following Korra after she said that wouldn't go over well with Korra's folks. Instead, in an effort to make a good impression on Korra's family, she offered to help them clean up. An offer which they happily accepted. Even Korra looker impressed, which was a nice bonus. 

"Aren't you sweet," Senna beamed at her, "care to help an old lady out and take the dishes to the kitchen?"

"Old? Oh Senna, you and your husband don't look a day over twenty." Asami joked with a smug smile, sticking her tongue out as Korra mouthed 'Kiss Ass' before heading back to her room. 

Senna was quite chatty, she asked her a bunch of questions which she certainly knew the answer to, given certainly w eventually they had to decide Asami was a good match for Korra. But Senna was polite enough to show an intrest in Asami, and she appriciated it. She had bazillion questions towards the couple too, mostly about Korra's past, But she realized it may have been a tad too early to ask about what was probably the most traumatic experience of their life. So instead she just answered their questions with a warm smile.

"So," Tonaraq said at some point, folding his arms, "tell me about that engineering business. I should probably know the basics before I start having business meetings with your father. Korra had tried explaning it to me, but–" 

"Whatever Korra told you, forget about it." Asami chuckled, shaking her head in disapproval. "Trust me, this girl doesn't even know the basics."

"She only told me was that you're supposed to replace your car battery every two years, or something like that... Right? " He scratched his head, confused.

Asami couldn't help but smile, remebering how she got annoyed with Korra over that exact thing, and thinking about the fact that Korra remembered it too. Well enough so that it'll be the only thing she'd know to tell her father about cars. It was heart warming, really, and it made her feel really happy that Korra was listening to her, even in subjects she knew nothing about. 

God, she felt like a teenager. That was so pathetic of her.

"Something like that," Asami affirmed with a smile, as they finished up cleaning the table. 

"I didn't even know cars have to be charged." He mumbled, "I hope the charger is USB-C... "

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