A view of Midoriya's path to UA

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Everything most likely started when they first met in their childhood. Their mothers were friends, so of course, they would end up meeting at some point in their lives.

Midoriya could remember that feeling he had, telling him he wanted to stay by Bakugo side. At the time, he was too young to notice that feeling, plus he really liked him, so it wasn't a bother. Although, once he got older, he did wonder if Bakugo was feeling the same way about him, but he never managed to ask him.

"I want to stay with Kacchan forever!" he said one day as they were talking naively about the future. "Will Kacchan stay with me when we grow up?".

"Of course, I'll stay with Izuku forever!"

Midoriya misses those innocent and naive days.


Things started to change a little once Bakugo got his quirk. He had become a little star, everyone eyes put on him, feeding his hope and dreams of becoming a strong hero. Midoriya couldn't help but be from that crowd too, finding him even cooler than before.

"Kacchan will be so strong in the future!" had exclaimed Midoriya one day. "Do you think my quirk will make me as strong as you?"

"Of course Izuku won't be as strong as me," had laughed Bakugo, "but I am sure you will be good enough to fight by my side".


Midoriya was hiding behind the corner of the wall, listening to his parents argue as they believed he was outside.

"Dear please calm down, Izuku is still Izuku, eve-"

"Don't try this, he didn't just have to be quirkless, he also had to be an omega! Why couldn't he just be a beta?! At least it would have been passable"

The harsh words were like knives stabbing deep inside the young man, trying to keep from crying again. He kept listening as his parents were arguing, his mother crying as she was trying her best to defend him. At some point he couldn't take it anymore, going out to try and calm down and forget.

Everything went downhill from here.


Shortly after being assigned as an omega did Midoriya realised that some things were not quite right. Despite how bad Bakugo had gotten towards him after learning both his quirkless-ness and that he was an omega, Midoriya couldn't help but be drawn to him one way or another.

He was getting this strange feeling in him, indicating to him nearly without mistakes when Bakugo was getting close to where he was, even without having heard him before-hand. Bakugo's scent seemed to also be the one dominating anyone else scent, whether he was next to him or farther away in the room.

Those he could somewhat rationalise. After all, he had pretty much grown up with him, of course Bakugo's scent would be the first one he could pick, right? Also, he was so relentless in his bullying, of course Midoriya would be so on edge around him that he'd get hyper-aware of his presence.

Worry started settling in when he realised that with the months going by, he could... feel Bakugo's emotion without him acting on them. His rages were somehow feeling stronger than before, feeling them just as much despite Bakugo hiding them when he needed to.

The only positive from it was when he could catch little bits where Bakugo was feeling positive things near him. It had the power to give him some small wave off happiness just from feeling those, despite not being toward him. Yet, those would often die quickly and annoyance would ruin it, Bakugo turning to him to bother him some more.

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