[Zero II]

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Sitting in an office surrounded by stacks of documents, Sir Nighteye grabbed his hyper-density seal to quickly stamp the papers on his desk while diligently picking up the ringing phone asking for All Might. Clamping the device onto his shoulders, he simultaneously taps away at his keyboard, glancing at the computer to finish his spreadsheets. Working like a well oiled machine, Nighteye couldn't help but feel bliss as he contributes to making the number one hero's life a bit easier, as he knows how taxing the 72 hour hero patrol is for the man. Falling into a zen state, only the sounds of stamps and keyboards could be heard.


Pausing, he stares at his personal phone and sees his wife's name.

'She never calls me while I'm at work.'

With a sense of foreboding, Sasaki Mirai connects the call. Listening to his wife's voice, his eyes briefly flashed with worry and confusion.

'The family's curse, perhaps?'

Quickly standing up, he grabs his jacket and bolts to the door-

"Sir Nighteye, are you heading out?"

He stops.

Mirai was planning on ignoring the secretary...

But the thought of All Might worrying about him appears in his mind. He leaves a brief reply.

"My son's in the hospital. Tell All Might that I'll be leaving early and will most likely come in tomorrow."

Before she could utter a reply, Mirai rushed past her, ruffling the papers littered on her desk.
Reading the quirk registry forms, the doctor could already feel a headache coming from this troublesome patient.

First Name: Mori

Last Name: Sasaki

Quirk: Potion Brewing

Description: With a drop of blood, innately known potion recipes with ranging effects can be developed.

First Name: Mirai

Last Name: Sasaki

Quirk: Foresight

Description: Grants the user the ability to accurately predict all of the target's future moves for an entire hour.

The patient's father is the number one hero's sidekick.

His mother produces and supplies hospitals with rare potions.

'Tsk, troublesome. Can't mess this up.'

"Looking at the family's quirk history and the child's injuries being heavily focused around the eyes, your son's quirk could be a mutation stemming from your husband's Foresight."

Glancing at the blank mother, he continues.

"We can't directly confirm anything, but we do know that this most likely relates to his quirk awakening."

Scoffing inwardly, Mori couldn't help but think he was useless.

'Obviously his quirk awakened. What I want is for you to make sure he returns to normal.'

Staring angrily at the doctor, she looks past his shoulder and sees her husband jogging over, puffing out gasps as if he ran all the way here. Feeling a wave of comfort wash over her, Mori quickly runs to her husband, receiving a warm embrace. Like a weight had lifted off her shoulders, she forgets about the horror she's seen in the past hour and the guilt gnawing at her consciousness disappears.

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