[Zero I]

644 13 1

Playing in the backyard with his All Might figure, four-year-old Sasaki Hajime aimed the hero's bulky fists at the villain.

Waving the number one hero, Hajime mimics, "NEVER FEAR, FOR I'M HERE!"

"Oh no! It's All Might," he gruffly adds as he shakes the monster.

Violently banging the two toys together before throwing the villain onto the ground, the black-haired boy gently places down his father's prized figure, knowing that he will get in trouble if he gets a single scratch on the limited edition All Might toy. Just imagining his father's stare has him shaking in his shoes. As he's about to pick up the few scattered accessories that popped off, Hajime stops as he feels a chill run down his spine. He's not sure how he knows or why he is able to sense it, but-

Something is coming.

Something dangerous.

Amber eyes went to the sky...

He shouldn't have looked.

He stares.

He screams.

His body shakes. He feels water streaking from his eyes-

No, it's blood. Blood trails from his eyes, flows from his mouth, and falls from his ears, painting the boy's face a crimson mess.

Pain. As if his eyes were forced to look at the blazing sun. As if his eyes were gouged out with a hot knife. As if acid was thrown into the hollow sockets.

He needs to look away. He needs to close his eyes.

But he can't.

Ravings and information fill his mind as he screams his throat raw.

He needs to look away.

He needs to.

Because he's not worthy to look at "Him."

He's not allowed to look at God.
Sasaki Mori is happy.

She has just finished making the last batch of potions ordered by the hospital and she still has two hours left before she needs to deliver them! Deciding to treat herself to some tea, Mori heads to the kitchen and fills up a kettle before placing it on the stove to heat up. Sitting in silence, she patiently and calmly waits as the flame flickers.

One minute.

Two minutes.

Three minutes.

Four minutes.

She watches.

A sense of dread grows.

Her breath quickens.

Faster. It needs to heat up faster.





Glancing at the clock, Mori knows that she has two hours to make and drink this tea leisurely, yet she can't help this feeling. The feeling of having her stomach churn and worries bubbling to the front of her mind. Sitting on the edge of her chair, ready to anticipate anything or something to happen.

All she knows is that she needs this water to boil right now.

The kettle is taking too long.

The clock is too loud.

Time seems to still.

Silence fills the room.


Letting out a breath she didn't know she was holding, Mori reaches for her porcelain cup and drops a satchel of tea leaves in. Pouring the boiling water into the cup, she couldn't help but happily sigh as all her worries fade. Moving to the living room, she enjoys the ambience as she lifts the cup to her mouth.

She stops.

She stares.

She stares.

She stares.

A gut wrenching scream cuts through the house.

A cup shatters onto the ground.

Rushing out to the backyard, she freezes.

Clawing at his eyes, fleshy streaks ran from his eyelids to his cheeks. Smears of blood stained his pale hands. Fingertips drip with blood as skin piles underneath his nails.


So much blood.

And his screams.

As if he were seeing his worst nightmare.

His screams snap her out of her daze.

Running to Hajime, she roughly pulls his small hands away from his face as he thrashes against her. Forcefully turning the boy's body to her, Mori gets a close look. As she's about to call his name, her voice gets caught in her throat-

Like an illusion, she sees translucent worms squirming and wiggling in the boy's smoking eyes before they disappear. She flinches and backs away.

She's scared.

His screams died down.

Falling to his knees, Hajime looks at the ground and lets out a raspy cry. Mori stares at his emotion-filled eyes.





A wave of exhaustion hits the boy as he collapses to the ground. Swiftly catching him, Mori swaddles his small frame. Glancing at her lovely son, she couldn't help but hold a bit of fear. Guilt courses through her. She's scared of her son. Her son, who is a four-year-old boy.

Gently placing Hajime onto the grass, Mori's hands shakingly dials for an ambulance. As if she feared waking her son, she whispers her address into the phone. Throwing a glance at the boy, she trails back into the house and heads to her lab.

Left alone in the yard, a symbol flashes on Hajime's forehead before seeping into his skin, as if it was never there.

Returning with a healing potion, Mori pours the shimmering red concoction on her son's wounded skin and watches as the gashes slowly fuse back together. Silence permeates the yard as she mulls over the past seven minutes of her life. Mori recalls hearing the boy utter a few words before fainting-

The Fool.

.......Nothing comes to mind.

And she's ok with that.

Looking up, she hears the sirens in the distance. Sighing, Mori decides to leave this for her husband to figure out.

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