The Bad Guys Reunited

Start from the beginning

"We can't do this without him," admitted Wolf.

"Yeah. It doesn't feel right doing a good thing without him," Hornet added, knowing how that felt.

Shark smiled warmly. "He might be a Mr. Grumpy Pants..."

"But he's our Mr. Grumpy Pants," finished Tarantula.

The Bad Guys nodded, knowing that despite having the option to walk away, they needed Snake with them. It was better than one of their own being separated from them again. Without hesitation and all of them seemingly on the same plan, Wolf slammed the gas and the car sped off. It rushed right past Diane, Chief Luggins, Tiffany, and Mira, who could stare at this in shock.

Diane just shrugged, shaking her head in frustration. She could only hope that whatever the Bad Guys were doing, they could solve it.

Meanwhile, Chief wasn't so open-minded as the fox was.

"WOLF!" she yelled.


As the Bad Guys sped through the streets, they entered the highway to find their friend. They spotted a helicopter with Cuddles flying it, hovering over the city to see the entire heist fall apart in front of Marmalade's and Snake's eyes. They were in an argument as the two bickered over who lost the money.

"I'm starting to see why your friends dumped you!" Marmalade snarled, grabbing Snake.

"I don't have any friends!" Snake hissed back as he pressed his head against Marmalade's.

Their attention to the road when they heard a loud horn beeping. Looking down, they found the Bad Guys on the now-deserted highway with the meteorite at the back.

"Snake!" Wolf cried, "Snake!"

"Wolf?" said Snake. He didn't expect his friends to come back to him. Not even when they could use the meteorite to clear their names.

"Snake, come back!" Wolf pleaded

"We need you, baby!" Shark shouted, opening his arms.

"And you need us!" Tarantula said.

"We're your family!" Hornet cried.

"Oh, there you go again. Making it personal." Marmalade paid no attention to the Bad Guys coming back for Snake, seeing the meteorite. "I'll give you one last chance to give me the meteorite!"

"Oh, yeah?" Piranha questioned cockily as he stood up on the window screen, "What you gonna do, Whiskers?"

Marmalade snorted furiously. He snatched the mind-controlling helmet from Snake and placed it onto his head, "This."

The professor concentrated and with that, he could feel all the controlled guinea pigs coming to where he needed them to be. On the ground, the Bad Guys could feel the entire land rumbling. They looked around, trying to find the source of the sound. However, this was soon followed by the sounds of chittering and snaps of trees and fences being destroyed.

Looking behind, they could see the palm trees falling down as a huge army of blue-eyed guinea pigs came running it. It looked like it wasn't even less than a million of them! With a large amount of pigs, they even formed together to create huge lumps to form a barrier around the Bad Guys. And they were chasing after them under the control of the mad Marmalade.

"This isn't good!" Hornet squeaked in panic.

"We've got adorable company," Shark gasped.

"Floor it!" Tarantula screamed.

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