Chapter 12 🔞

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Cyclone had called elena to his office, she stood outside the door and heard voices. It was maverick.

"I can only imagine what you must be feeling right now. Take some time. Whatever you need." Cyclone spoke in a very serious tone

"I appreciate that, sir, but there is no time. The mission..." she heard maverick answer

"I'll be taking over the training from here." Hes joking right?

"Sir?" Maverick sounded confused.

"We both know you didn't want this job, captain."

"Sir, they're not ready." Maverick protested.

"It was your job to get them ready."

"Sir, they have to believe that this mission can be flown."

"And all you've managed to do is teach them that it can't."


" you're grounded, captain." Cyclone paused "Permanently."

Elena watched as maverick left cyclones office, not even acknowledging that she was there, he stormed down the hall and out of the building.

"Captain moretti?" Cyclone called her into his office. "You sure you're okay to be flying matrix?" Cyclone asked her, they where sat in his office the day after her accident.

"Yes sir I'm perfectly fine" she smiled.

"Matrix." He had a sad expression on his face "look I know you lost your brother and I know how much that must hurt and you nearly died yesterday, so please don't feel obligated to carry on flying if you're not 100% ready okay"

"Sir I promise I'm fine" she assured him. Yes she lost her brother but this mission was also important to her. She wanted to go on this mission for her but also for her friends, she'd risk her life for any of them and wanted to make sure they all got home from this mission safe. Even if that meant she didn't.

Elena walked out of cyclones office and started to walk down the hall to the radio room. Rooster payback and fanboy whew flying the course right now.

"Elena can I talk to you" she wanted to stop but she didn't. That irritating voice belonged to hangman and she wasn't going to let him ruin her good mood today.

"Elena please just stop" he shouted again


"What!" She turned around swiftly and the tall man bumped straight into her. "Ow"

"Look I'm sorry about the thing with rooster I shouldn't have said anything." Wow. Hangman apologised.

"Is that all?" She asked and raised her eyebrows, he nodded and she continued to walk.

She walked down to the meeting room and took her seat next to Phoenix and rooster.

"Where's mav" phoenix asked her. She shrugged her shoulders.

Maverick wasn't the easiest person to get along with but at least he was tolerable. Unlike cyclone. Maverick was definitely a better pilot and a better instructor.

Cyclone walked in and stood at the front of the room.

"Captain Mitchell is no longer your instructor. And as of today, there are new mission parameters. Time to target is now four minutes. You'll be entering the valley level at reduced speed. Not to exceed 420 knots."

"Sir, won't we be giving their planes time to intercept?" Elena asked. Clearly annoyed at him.

"Well, captain, you have a fighting chance against enemy aircraft.What are the odds of surviving a head-on collision with a mountain?"

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