chapter 1. SLIGHT🔞

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"ELENA WAKE UP YOU HAVE POST" i heard her brother call from downstairs.

"COMING" i groan as i move my bed sheets off of my freezing body. my brother and i live in a house that's way to big for the 2 of us but my father insisted since... well the incident that caused me to have spinal chord injuries that almost paralysed me permanently.

i walked down the stairs and take the mail from my brother. i look through the stack thinking it's all junk then i see one that isn't. A letter from the admiral.

"what is it?" my brother asked curiously.

"it's a letter asking me to return to top gun for a mission."

"okay cya then" he says with a mouth full of cereal

"god you're a dick" i laugh and watch him walk back upstairs. i hardly see my brother he's always at work or at his friends house.

My thoughts are once again focused on the letter i have in my hands. why am i being called back to top gun? what for? am i alone or are there other people going too?

questions race through my head in a speed i can't keep up with so i decide to go to the hard deck and see my favourite barista.

"elena it's not 5 yet i'm not letting you drink" the raven haired woman says as i walk into the bar.

"relax penny i'm not here to drink yet. besides it's always 5 o'clock somewhere right?" i wink at her. "hey pen guess what"

"what darling?"

"i've been called back to top hun for some top secret thing."

"you've accepted it right" she asks "i mean you're the best pilot out there i'm
not surprised they called you back"

"thanks for the ego boost pen"

me and her talk for a while until
we hear the door open. about 10 other fighter pilots walk in through the door, i recognise a few of them.

phoenix. she was my best friend back at the academy. payback. he and i would get drunk every other night and end up on the bathroom floor by morning. fanboy. we had a bit of a fling a while ago, so not for a week or two but it was nice and we're still friends. coyote stood next to him. he's just my friend nothing special.

and then behind them all was jake "hangman" seresin. he's a dick. a huge dick.

"moretti, long time no see hey?" jake walks up to me immediately has his eyes glued to my tits. such a dick.

"my eyes are up here jake." i smirk at the man i front of me as he almost immediately tilts his head back up.

"ELENA" natasha ram to me with open arms. i love her. she's been my best friend since our first day and we're that close that coyote use to think we where lesbians.

"hey babe! missed you" i kissed her on the cheek.

me nat and hangman talked at the bar for a while. drinking the night away just like the good old days.

"do matrix heard you made captain? is that true?" payback asked throwing his arm over my shoulder.

"indeed i did. told you i was better than you all" we laughed and talked more. then someone else i didn't recognise walked in.

"bradshaw as i live and breathe" hangman stood, the taller brunette making him look really small.

"hangman you look" he paused "good.. who's your friend i don't recognise her?" he pointed towards me.

"that is Elena "matrix" Moretti"

"you're the youngest female captain right? and the youngest female top graduate top gun?" wow he did his research.

take me to bed or loose me forever - Bradley BradshawWhere stories live. Discover now