"Salazar, Visha, do you not understand?" I whisper-yelled, walking so I would stand in front of her. "This is not the matter of who cares for who. This is the matter of the heart of a girl. To use someone's emotions against them is the worst thing a woman can do to another woman."

I watched silently as she lowered her head in response as if understanding only dawned upon her then. "Oh." 

"Come. Let us see that everything goes according to plan." I said in a gentler tone and wrapped my hand around hers. She came along without any protests and any other complaints for the rest of our short walk to the Great Hall. We walked through the doors with practised normalcy, making sure to keep our chatter going until we reached the Slytherin table. I quickly scanned the table to find a suitable seat and the outcome pained me internally. The only empty seat that was within Riddle's earshot was next to Avery whom I had run from last night. 

As we approached the spot, Visha switched the topic. "So I will see you in Hogsmeade in an hour then?"

"Yes. Do not be late and do not mention the place to anyone." I replied, lowering my voice so my words would sound conspirational to those who were paying attention. And I would bet all my Galleons that Riddle was listening. 

"Do not worry. You have my word." She whispered in the same tone before she left me at my table and began walking towards her own. I plopped down the seat with a small sigh and reached for a scone across the table. 

"Had a good run last night, Arwen? I never knew you were so into sports." 

 "Alexander..." I whined, growing more aggravated when he only smirked at me. "I am not in the mood for you. It is too early."

He mockingly placed a hand over his chest. "You wound me."

"Apparently not enough for you to leave me be," I muttered under my breath and took a bite of my scone. As I reached to pick up my goblet, I witnessed the wizard share a glance with Riddle, the latter nodding at him in some form of secret sign. Avery who understood whatever Riddle meant, cleared his throat tentatively and leaned close to my side. 

"So, dear Arwen. Tell me, what was that ordeal about with the Ravenclaw?" 

And finally, Avery was being useful to my plan.

"What do you mean?" I widened my eyes in a false alarm, before averting my gaze down to my plate to make it appear as if I was avoiding his own. I could feel a pair of eyes analyzing my moves, and I had to resist a satisfactory smile. 

"You might think no one heard you but I have the ears of a hawk. Will you not indulge me in your secrets?"

"It is a private matter and nothing that concerns you." I snapped. "Besides, if you do not indulge me in your secrets, as you put it, why would I? Hm?" 

This time when he spoke, it was as a whisper in my ear. "I have told you that I am not your enemy. Why will you not trust me?"

"Because you are not his enemy either."  

That seemed to snap his mouth shut from any further remarks. He leaned away, seemingly having no more clever or charming words to weave my way. I placed a firm hand on his shoulder as I inched closer to his ear so that my lips would brush the skin of his cheek. It was my turn to whisper to him now. "And do not even attempt to follow either me or Visha. If I find out you did, I will make you pay." 

Because I knew by telling a man what not to do would only encourage him to do it more.

When I looked away from Avery, I locked eyes with Riddle who did not seem the very least pleased. The bemusement was poorly concealed on his chiselled features, which came as a surprise to me. Riddle was usually the master of hiding his true feelings behind a cool, stone-faced mask, and for some reason, he had lost that ability. 

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