𝐓𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲-𝐟𝐢𝐯𝐞- 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐓𝐨𝐫𝐧 𝐀𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭.

Start from the beginning

"You brought her up. Rose Tyler. And you managed to get Lynnette to love you. That's not bad," Pete muttered softly, in this universe there was everything he wanted. A family. People who would love him unconditionally.

The fates were laughing now, coy grins spread across their faces. They, after all, had planned this since the very beginning.

"Yeah," Jackie's eyes glimmered with pride, she had done a bloody good job.

Pete smiled, "In my world...it worked. All those daft little plans of mine, it worked. Made me rich."

"I don't care about that," Huffed the woman, smiling, "How rich?"

Amusement flooded Pete, "Very."

"I don't care about that," She paused, "How very?"

A light sound fell from Pete's lips, a laugh. It rang like a distant bell, so familiar yet so far away. A breath escaped Jackie's mouth, eyes shimmering with unbridled emotions that had been buried so deep for so very long.

Pete swallowed harshly, "Thing is, though Jacks..." The nickname fell like a prayer, "you're not my wife. I'm sorry, but you're not. I mean, we both..."

Jackie's eyes glittered with heart, another fresh of heartbreak cutting into her, almost worse than when she'd first seen her husband lying on the road, unmoving. But nothing could compare to that.

The man struggled to get the words, he couldn't, "You know, it's just sort of..."

He couldn't lose Jackie for a second time.

"Oh, come here," He gasped out.

Then they were running to each other. Pete's gun flattered to the floor, unheard as the two raced toward each other. They had been apart for so long, calling out to one another, begging for their presence, for the knowledge that they were there beside them.

In a frantic array of movements, Jackie was held tight in Pete's arms, both unwilling to let go again.

They would never let go again.

Rose's breath shuddered as she pressed into Lynnette's side, her parents were together.  She had spent so long sitting and wondering how they would've looked together. Would they have sung 80's songs in the kitchen? Kissed on New Years? Interrogated all of her boyfriends?

And now she would finally know.

Lynnette smiled fondly, they both deserved this.

"They're finally together," Croaked Rose quietly, voice cracking with unshed tears.

Lynnette nodded and pressed a kiss to the girl's forehead, "And they'll never be separated again."

"None of us will, right?"

"We'll be together forever."

If the fates weren't laughing before, they were now. Cackling at the naive words of little stars that could so easily blink out of existence. 

Well, this existence anyway. 

But that was something they would discover later.

 The strings of thread were becoming taunt now. 

And soon...

They would snap.

Oh, how everyone would fall. It would be a spectacle, more marvellous than Shakespeare's plays or the scenes acted on in the theatres of ancient Greece. The fates had been weaving this for a long time, the cynical puppeteers behind creation.

They had gotten so terribly bored with how dull the universe had become, wars and political arguments are all it seemed to be now.

But not for long.

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