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My heart still fluttered with the excitement of leaving the place I was destined never to leave. After meeting Loki in the gardens, we went through a secret passage out of Asgard. The feeling of the world spinning around us as it shifted into a brand-new galaxy was unforgettable. 

Now, the two of us stood in a field of rocks as I had never seen before. Darkness surrounded me and the was sky a palate of dark blues and purples. It was as if we were standing on a planet made just of rocks as Jotunheim was ice. Not far in the distance, there was a building. It was tall and as sleek and dark as onyx. It reflected everything, even things not shining, off of its smooth surface.

"I see you've convinced her," A voice from behind me made me jump. I twisted around and ended up being face to face with a creature that surely crawled out from my nightmares. 

Loki keeps a calm demeanor, obviously having interacted with this man before. 

"Indeed," My brother speaks. "I have."

The creature in front of me was. wearing long black robes lined with thin golden streaks. The dark hood of his robe covered his eyes but his teeth were still visible. They were sharp, and deadly, and his breath was something that could've made a mortal faint. He wore a cage around his face like a muzzle on a dog. I knew immediately that he was not one of high standing. Instead, he worked for someone.

"Perfect," The servant pulled his mouth into something that resembled a smile as he raised a hand. His skin was grey-blue in color and his hand had one too many thumbs. He went to stroke my cheek but I flinched away. Despite, my efforts, he managed to run his unkempt fingers through my white hair. "You will leave as soon as you are ready. You," He turned to me, singling me out. "Will need new attire. I will get my master to accommodate you."

I stared down at what I was wearing, forgetting for a moment. I was still in the champagne pink gown from the dinner. It felt so long ago that Rune and I were sitting at an almost empty table just talking. Since then, I've fed him lies and twisted his thoughts to benefit me. Then, I blushed at the closeness of ourselves. Now, I blush at his thoughts and actions being puppeted by myself.

The man leaves, giving me and Loki a moment alone. I ask who the creature was before Loki can say anything.

"They call him The Other," Loki says, staring in the direction of the building where The Other had disappeared. "He works for a Titan and that," Loki says motioning towards the building that was as large as a fortress. "Is called the Sanctuary." 

Everything here made my skin crawl. The warmth of home no longer surrounded me and I felt as if invisible chains had finally been dissolved. I was free here. I was wanted here. They wouldn't underestimate me here.

The gruff voice appeared behind me again. This time, I knew it was The Other but I had no clue where he'd appeared from. We watched him walk towards the Sanctuary and now he was behind us again. 

"My master wants to meet you," The Other whispers eerily. 

I turn to Loki, concern flashing across my features. He gives me a supportive nod, telling me it's alright. 

When The Other starts walking, I follow him with apprehension trying to pull me back towards my brother. The pebbles felt weird under my slippers that lacked a decent sole. They were for dinner parties not traveling rough terrain.

The doors to the Sanctuary grew massively as we approached them. I geared my head back to look at how far they reached up.

Without having to touch the onyx-colored material, the doors began to groan open. I stepped back, letting them swing open as much as they could. 

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