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A Korean restaurant.

"I wonder have we met before?" Taehyung stared at the woman that is sitting across from him.

"Same here. It just feels like you are my close friend. A very close one." She tilted her head slightly, trying to remember who is him.

"Maybe, in our past lives?" He chuckles as she laughed quietly.

Just then, the meals they ordered have been served by the employees. After that, they left them alone with a polite smile.

"Should we eat first? Or let's talk while eating?" He gestured for her to start to eat it.

"You can eat first and I will ask you something about Jimin." She uttered.

"Ok then." He sipped his drink before consuming the food.

"Is Jimin normal? Like do you think he may be the killer of my mother?" Her question caused him to freeze to the spot.

That's the reason why they are having lunch together because she knew Taehyung's house is close to Jimin's place.

And they are close as well.

"Why you will think that?" He placed his chopsticks down and decided to fully concentrate on the topic.

She repeated what Jungkook told her and what she recalled last night to Taehyung without missing any words.

After hearing from her, he looked down and remained silent as if he remembered something that he doesn't know whether to share or not.

"You seem like you know something and you didn't want to tell me. Why are you guys behaving like this? Are you sure you guys are here to assist me?"

She has lost her patience with them. Rather than receiving assistance from them, she will be more willing to help herself now.

Her handbag has been grabbed by her as she is planning on leaving but then he started to speak again.

"On that night, my parents came to visit me and as usual, they prepared extra side dishes for Jimin so I went to find him." His gaze was still fixed on the table.

"He was not at home but I know the password of his place so I went inside and put down the side dishes in the kitchen. That's when he came back."

Taehyung finally meet her eyes before continuing after going through a little hesitation.

"There was some visible blood on his clothes and hands. He looked shocked as he didn't expect to see me there."

"Oh my god, Jimin. What happened to you?"

"Chasing a suspect just now and he doesn't know how to surrender so we have to use force then."

Taehyung licked his lips and sighed a bit. He stated that he didn't think much about it because they are police detectives.

But not anymore after knowing what Jungkook saw in his car.

"I will go and check whether what he said is true or not after this. I will update you about it."

The dining room of Jimin's place.

"I know you can handle spicy food so I prepared this." Jimin gestured for her to try it while it is still hot.

"On that night, he is out of duty."

She colluded with Jungkook to lie to Jimin that his parents will stay at his place so it will be inconvenient to let her stay there.

"How did you know about that?" She asked, full of curiosity while taking a bite of it.

"Our first meeting is at the tteokbokki place outside my job's place. I met you there and saw how you ate the spiciest tteokbokki there." He showed a shocked expression.

"Oh. I do that when I'm feeling stressed. I apologise for not recalling it." She chuckles and glanced around before asking another question.

"I'm sorry but do you have soju? This delicious spicy food makes me craving for it." This is just all an act from her because she wanted to make him drunk.

According to his best friends, Jimin easily gets drunk after drinking alcoholic drinks but he is not that type of person who will tell the truth after being drunk.

"I have it. Wait for me." Jimin felt good to know she enjoyed the tteokbokki he made.

30 minutes later.

Shit. I plan to make him drunk and yeah, I did but I made myself drunk as well. Wake up, Y/n.

Y/n stared at Jimin and approached him to make sure he was still in a drunk state. She called his name to double confirm it.

She is feeling sleepy so she kept on pinching herself to wake herself up.

Although she didn't know what she should search for, she would still go around to see if there was anything suspicious.

Now, she is in his bedroom upstairs. Just when she wanted to open his drawer, she heard his voice.

"What are you doing here, Y/n...?" He is standing in front of the door that was being opened by her just now.

She nervously turned around and laughed awkwardly while pretending to be drunk although she was still in a drunk state.

She realised Jimin wasn't fully awake yet which is a good thing for her.

"I-I thought the toilet is here. Haha" She slowly walked to the door, trying to escape but he blocked her and picked her up in his arms.

"Where are you going? We should sleep now, Hye Su." He placed her on his bed clumsily and laid beside her before cuddling her.

"Hye Su? I'm not-" She is struggling to escape his arms but paused when he spoke once again.

"Don't leave me again, please." Jimin said in a begging tone while closing his eyes tightly.

I wonder what is your story? Did Hye Su hurt you? Why?

While having this thought, she felt so comfortable being in his arms. Slowly, she closed her eyes as well and fell asleep with him.

Forgetting the purpose of why she was here.

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