Chapter Twenty-five: Fixated

Start from the beginning

As we got out of the premises, I saw Agapius and Aella sitting right at the bench, waiting for us perhaps.

I could see their ears perks up as they whish their head towards I, and expectedly, they immediately walk towards us.

Unfortunately, beasts cannot enter the premises when a test is being held. Since the first years and second years were already having their end of the month test, beast are prohibited from going in.

Well, the teachers didn't exactly said that they couldn't enter, but they get alot of attentions inside the room. Alot of gazes kept starring at me— at my so called beast particularly. Which is why I asked them to stay put, they seem to be mindful and followed my favor.

'When will your romance start, I am getting impatient.' Remarked Aella.

I choked and almost tripped by that sudden comment of her.

Right, I almost forgot that I am in a romance centered game, a harem at that.

Do I looked like I care? No.

Romance? Harem? That's just probably a freaking facade that Agapius made up. Moreover, the love interest doesn't seem that interested in me even.

They seem to have interest on other rather than the protagonist herself.

This story is just BS.

There's no particular flow of the plot, just guessing things may be, it was as if this is an unfinished story game.

I shook my head slowly, trying to get rid of such thoughts.

'Perhaps...never.' I answered.

'Huh?! What do you mean never? You're inside of the protagonist of a romance game, yet you're saying that you won't involve yourself with romance?! Are you crazy?!' She cried out.

'Maybe I did go crazy then.'

I sneered unconsciously, which caught the attention of others. Only then, I smiled awkwardly at them as a sign telling them 'It's nothing'.

We soon arrived at the oval. It was mostly empty, only a few students were spotted sitting at some benches and at the shaded ground.

My eyes kept on wandering around that I got surprised by Rinalyn looping her arm around my neck dragging me a bit to the left, since there was a guy who was on the phone that almost bumped into me. He doesn't seem to be looking at where he was going.

Since Rinalyn was taller that I was, I looked up at her to see her smiling face, as if reassuring me that she got me.

With her hand still loop around my neck, we continued walking together with the gang.

As we got into the cherry blossom tree— our usual spot, I felt that something or perhaps someone was gazing at me. It was the same feeling I had before. Albeit, this one has a lingering ominous feeling.


The dimly-lit room was filled with documents all over. A man sitting across the table on a swivel chair had been going through the stack of documents that was above his table.

"You should really add 'Resting' on your vocabulary, Zach'." Commented a man sitting on a couch which was near the large window pane and was facing in front of Zachary.

"Very funny. Also, how long do you plan to stay here even? And stop calling me Zach." Responded he, not letting his eyes off to the paper on his hands.

The man on the couch puff air as he then leaned forward, his elbow resting on his thigh, and hands on his chin. "Oh c'mon, I'm not even disturbing you—your work even."

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