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After a week with living with asslick things got pretty normal except for the part zen made ramen at 3-4 am it was normal also it was also the week of the grand new opening carnival they all got tickets and were super excited
Especially the big 3 and Julian i guess not bald guy since he hates roleercosters

Time skip to the day of the grand opening

The boys
This will be so funny hahahahahahhahahaha

With the the others

Married girl :This will be so fun!
The queen: yeah totally (I know the boys plan)
Knee🐚 : I hope Daniel and I will hold hands
Zen: ok... (I honestly like asslcik but I can't tell the others..)
Araksan: idk man I kinda want a huge plushie
Ingrid: ok
All: lets all scare the boys since its gonna be funny hahah

At the carnival 🎡
Boys: yooo wassup
Others: yoooo
They ride a few rides and have a fun time
All- that was so fun! Lets go to the horror house
They all go to the house and scare each other but then the queen Charlotte scared zen and asslick and then they hold hands and hug each other everyone sees them and grins and they all think about making zen and asslick kiss and date since they all shipped them from the start i dont know why its a bit weird but sure

Zen and asslick notices that they are holding hands and they let go of embarrassment, knee 🐚 clearly wants to hug denial but of course denial is in denial

it gets pretty cold and its kinda dark outside so zen and knee🐚 gets kinda cold since they forgot to brings a jacket (knee🐚 probably did it on purpose) asslick and denial notices asslick gives zen his hoodie as he did to many push-ups and he os way to warm for a hoodie while denial asked luxes for his jacket and gives it to knee🐚 but sadly the jacket was stained with coffee, monster energy, ketchup and blood
Knee🐚 almost throws up but she fleeces her to not after another more ride they have completed at least 90 percent of the carnival leaving the 🎡 and a few more slow rides left but first they went to a nice cafe and ordered hot chocolate and some cookies so warm themselves up they also saw some adorable stuff for gifts so they all buy some stuff while it starts snowing slowly..

Ty for reading
new chapter coming soon

He has no power..Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang