Epilogue II

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Six Months Later

Harry cradled his baby daughter close, amazed by her tiny perfection. He couldn't stop staring at her. She clung to his finger with her entire hand with a surprisingly strong grip. She stared up at him with bright gold eyes so much like his own. She tracked his movements. The doctors believed that she couldn't see well, but Harry knew otherwise.

Raina paused in the doorway to the nursery. From the soft expression on her face, he could tell she was thinking that he was sweet again. Sighing, he explained, "She was crying."

"Mhmm." She crossed to stand next to the rocking chair in which he sat. She ran her hand over Leila's head of thick, inky curls. "Strange. I didn't hear anything."

"Well, why would you? The house is full."

They came home from the hospital yesterday. His parents and her grandmother had been at the hospital for the delivery. Rather than drive home, her grandmother had spent the night in their guestroom. His parents had descended on them in the morning. And then his brother and Helene arrived with their children. His pack mates had been in and out throughout the day.

He appreciated their support and enthusiasm, but he couldn't wait until it was just him and his girls. He'd barely had the chance to hold his baby today. Every time he picked her up, someone was there holding their arms out for a turn.

Raina kissed him on the forehead. "You could just order them to go home."

He could. He was definitely tempted. And he would too if it weren't for the fact that Raina had been asking the experienced mothers for advice about taking care of the baby. He knew she was nervous about being a new mom. He couldn't blame her. He wouldn't admit it, but he was scared as hell too of this tiny bundle with a powerful set of lungs. Neither of them had ever raised a baby or even babysat.

He shook his head. "No. You're enjoying the company."

She kissed him again on the lips. "You're so—"

"Ferocious. Protective. Smart." He interrupted on purpose.

"All that." She lifted Leila, who by now was sleeping, kissed her cheek, and gently placed her in her crib. Then she sat in his lap and wrapped her arms around his neck. "And very sweet. I love you very much."

He covered her mouth with his, nipping her bottom lip before plunging his tongue deep into her mouth. He held her close and continued to kiss her until she moaned and withdrew.

"Six weeks before we can do that." She panted.

Harry grinned. He knew his canines were showing from the way Raina's pupils dilated. "We're werewolves, baby. It'll be one—two weeks max. And then I'll have you on your belly, and I'll be buried deep inside your tight—"

"There you two are." His mother said from the doorway, her exasperation obvious. She propped her hands on her hips. "You have guests. If the baby needs to be taken care of, you know I'm eager to volunteer."

"Uninvited guests." Harry pointed out, assisting Raina to her feet before standing himself. "You guys have one hour before I put both my girls to bed."

His mother shook her head. "None of that. You've got to give Raina time to recover before you try for pup number two."

"Mother." He said firmly. "They just got out of the hospital." Though Raina might appreciate the advice, she had to be tired. "One hour, then I'm throwing you all out. You're welcome to come back—in a few days. By then, we may actually need your help. If we need you before then, we'll call."

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