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Jungkook glared at Taehyung as the other man kissed Jimin's forehead, and his cheeks, and then touched him more than Jungkook ever had. It made him sick to see them together like that, and he swathed with jealousy every time they were near each other.

Finally, he'd had enough. He was going to make Jimin jealous too.

He waited until the two of them were alone in the living room before making his move. He walked up to Jimin and kissed him passionately, not caring that Taehyung was watching. Jimin gasped in surprise but quickly responded to Jungkook's touch.

When they finally pulled away from each other, both of them were panting for breath. Jungkook met Jimin's eyes and saw the confusion and arousal there. "What was that for?" Jimin asked breathlessly.

"I wanted to show you how much I love you," Jungkook replied honestly. I know you love me, but why so sudden?

and everyone is watching us........

I don't care about it.

"Jungkook, I love you too, but-" Jimin was cut off by Jungkook's lips crashing down on his again.

"Then don't resist me," Jungkook muttered against Jimin's mouth before deepening the kiss.

Jimin was hesitant at first but soon gave in and kissed Jungkook back with just as much passion. He could feel something bothering Jungkook and it only turned him on more.

When they finally pulled away, both of them were panting for breath. "I think we should go to my room," Jungkook said huskily.

Sorry to interrupt you guys, but Jimin, we have dance classes. Taehyung said while watching Jungkook and Jimin leave.

Oh right! Sorry, let's go. Jimin said to Taehyung while taking his hand and giving a quick peck on Jungkook's cheek.

See you later, Jungkook.

As they walked away, Jungkook got angry.

because of Taehyung again. He wanted to show Jimin how much he loved him, but now he had just made himself look like a fool in front of Taehyung.

He was so lost in thought that he didn't hear someone calling his name until someone was right in front of him. "Jungkook, are you okay?"

He snapped out of his thoughts and saw that it was Lisa, one of the other dancers in the class. Yeah, I'm fine. Just lost in thought. "

"You sure you're okay? You looked really angry just now."

I'm fine, Lisa.

Really? " 

He forced a smile, and she finally seemed to believe him...

I see someone jealous because his lover is being kissed by someone else. It seems like he's trying to make his lover jealous too, but it backfired and now he looks like a fool.

Whaaattt are you talking about, Jungkook panicked after hearing Lisa's explanation.

Hey, don't worry, I am not going to tell anybody... Lisa said, with a concerned look.

on her face.

Thanks, Lisa, I appreciate it. But I really am fine. I guess I just have to get over it.

Yeah, maybe I can help you with this. Lisa said, with a smirk on her face.


Just let me handle it. You just have to act normal around Jimin. Lisa said while winking at him.

Okay, I trust you.

Don't worry, I got this. Lisa said confidently.

Thanks, Lisa. I really appreciate it.

Insecurities | Jikook OneshotOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora