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finney's pov...

Okay I screwed up. It's only been about 20 minutes in the movie and I've already screamed more than 15 times. All of sudden a jumpscare happened and I flinched hard. I screamed and jumped into Robin's lap and wrapped my arms around his neck. I firmly close my eyes while I feel a hand caressing my back. "You're okay mi amor." Robin whispers softly.

I block out the noise from the movie and remove my head from the crook of his neck. Our lips were practically touching at this point. My heart rate speeds up, my face flushes, and my palms feel all sweaty. We're close to the point where I could feel his heartbeat. Our panting didn't help much either. We kept eye contact for a while until Robin pulls me into a rough kiss. 

I gasp and kiss back. Robin's hands snake their way and hold my waist gently while I hold onto his neck. We part to take a breath then we kiss again, I whine and moan into his mouth and I my cheeks heat up from embarrassment. One of Robin's hands move their way up into my shirt, feeling around my chest. I arch my back at the touch and let out a soft moan. We part once again and I begin to pant, "Robin..wh-what're you doing!?" Robin looks up to me, "Can..can I touch you?" I breathe even quicker now. I nod. 

Robin begins to feel around my chest as I squirm under his touch, "Mm..Robin..!" I feel both a bulge in my pants and Robin's. Before Robin could continue exploring my chest, a jingle could be heard at the front door. We both widen our eyes and I jump off Robins lap as he places a blanket on top of our laps. 

"Robin! I'm home-..Oh is this the friend you've been talking about?" Robin's mom smiles at me sweetly. She had mid length wavy jet black hair, tan skin, pretty brown eyes, and a thick spanish accent. "Yeah Ma, his name is Finney!" Robin smiles with a hint of blush on his cheeks. "Nice to meet you Finney!" Robin's mom says enthusiastically. "N-nice to meet you too Ms. Arellano." I stutter nervously. "Oh..no need for formalities, just call me Maria." I nod and give a soft smile. "I will make something to eat for you two, okay?" We both nod as she walks away.

I slump down on the couch, "That was close, Robin." Robin just grins, "I wish we could've continued amor!" I roll my eyes and look back to the tv, it was already the end so I didn't even bother paying attention. 

I sit up straight as I feel a hot breath near my ear, "I know you liked it princess, maybe we could continue in my room eh?" I shudder and smack his shoulder, "Sh-shut up stupid!" Robin just grins and stands up slowly, reaching out his hand in front of mine. I interlock our hands gently and he tugs me towards his room.

"You're sleeping over right?" Robin asks hopefully. "Uh yeah, if that's okay-.." Robin quickly cut me off, "Of course it's okay. It's okay." I smile softly, "Okay..thank you Robin." I sit down on his bed while Robin rummages through his closet. He pulls out a radio-head band tee and some black sweatpants. "Here uh you can use my clothes to change." I hesitantly take the clothes from his hand, "Your sure?" Robin nods, "Bathroom is right infront of my room." I nod and leave his room, heading to the bathroom.

As I held out the shirt I already knew it would be really oversized on me but I just shrugged. The band shirt fell a bit on my left shoulder but stayed on, it made it all the way to the top of my knee. And the grey sweats were really baggy and covered my feet. I stare in the mirror, oh shit what if Robin thinks I look weird. I begin to rub my arm unconsciously. I flinch when I hear Robin's voice, "Hey princess, you okay? You've been in there for awhile.." Shit. "Yeah..! I'm uh okay just need a second." I breathe in and out for a few seconds then finally open the bathroom door, staring right into Robin's eyes.

I smile, "You didn't have to wait for me dummy." Robin stares at me for a moment, his face turning red, "You look so pretty in my clothes princess." I blush, "Th-thank you.." We head back into his room as I take my phone off his desk. I check for any messages from Gwen or dad. Seeing no messages or even calls I place my phone back down and sit next to Robin on his bed. I yawn out of nowhere and I cover my mouth, "Sorry." Robin furrows his eyebrows, "No need to be sorry amor. How about we go eat quickly then maybe head to bed. Or would you rather we sleep now?" I ponder for a moment, "I could eat a bit." And with that I am now being dragged by Robin into the kitchen.

"Ma! Is the food ready yet?" Robin asks. Robin's mom-..I mean Maria turns to look at us both. She nods with a smile and nods her head towards where the food is. Me and Robin sit next to eachother and begin to eat the two tamales on the plate. "Thank you Robin's mom." Maria looks at me, "Ay, just call me Maria mijo." I nod, that's gonna be hard.

After eating only one tamale I was already full. "Robin.." I poke him on the shoulder. He turns to me, still stuffing his face, "Yeah princess?" My face forms into disgust, "Eww Robin don't talk with your mouth full." Robin rolls his eyes and after swallowing he responds, "Okay okay, what did you need to tell me?" I look back at my other tamale on my plate, "Uhm..I'm already full and so don't know what to do with the other tamale." Robin takes my plate and places my tamale with the rest of them on a huge plate. "Thank you." "Of course." Robin begins to eat again as we both chat happily.

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