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finney's pov...

I trudge to my first period, aka history, a little annoyed. Ugh, that jerk..he didn't even bother saying sorry. What a bitch. I looked back at my schedule quickly and turned to the classroom door infront of me, yup right class. I walked in awkwardly and took and empty seat in the back corner. I place my things down and rest my head on the desk. It's only first period and I already wanna go home...

A loud slam echoed through the classroom, and I flinched and raised my head up high from the noise. I turn to the direction of the door and my eyes widened as I saw who it was. Bandanna boy. Great, he just had to be in my first period class. After a few seconds the boy made his way near my desk and we both made eye contact. "That's my seat. Get off." The bandanna boy scowled. My eye twitched in annoyance, "It doesn't say your name on it." The boy looked at as if he was literally going to through me off my chair. Before the boy could retort back at me, the bell rang. How ironic, saved by the bell. "You're lucky the bell rang, princess." My mouth gaped open slightly, did he really just call me 'princess' ?! My face turns red and I huff bitterly but don't say anything back, I'm not trying to get in trouble on my first day of school. 

Okay, I tried to ignore bandanna boy. I really tried. But this idiot won't stop whispering to me! "Princess~ are you really not gonna respond to me?" At this point I felt as if I was gonna snap my pencil in half. "My name is not princess." I turned to him, obviously irritated. He just smirked, "Okay then, what's your name princess? My name is Robin, but you can call me your prince charming." I blush and make a face at his cringey pick up lines, "My name is Finney, and don't ever use a cringey pick up line like that one me again." Robin just winked and faced the board. This jerk..!

When the bell finally rang, I stood up quickly and packed up my stuff. "What's the rush princess?"  Robin smirked. I rolled my eyes, "Just trying to get away from your cringyness!" I throw my backpack over my shoulder and began walking out the classroom and to my second period. And of course, Robin followed and began walking right next to me. "So, what's your next period princess?" I snatch my schedule from my pocket, "History." Robin sighed dramatically, "Guess your not in my class." I laugh quietly, "Thank the lord, now I won't have to hear you asking for answers the whole class period." Robin stared at me offended then began walking in a different direction, "Farewell princess!" I roll my eyes and feel my cheeks heat up, only my first day and I already have a nickname. 

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