Chapter Twenty-eight: Time To Punch Death

Start from the beginning

"You were always gonna betray us. Once you defeated God, you were gonna take power. That means, everyone who got a free pass or a second chance, everyone who was resurrected or came from another world, you were gonna kill them all—Dean and me, too. That's the order you want restored. That's always been your endgame." Sam said.

"You got me." Billie said.

"You lied to everyone. Even the Empty. You promised it peace and quiet. You never meant it." Cass said.

"Even if I give you the book, what's to stop you from stabbing us in the back? Killing us all?" Sam asked.

"Nothing. But you don't have a choice. This isn't a negotiation. If he is alive, he won't last long. So if you want Jack, you'll give it to me now." Billie told Sam.

Sam looked at all of us before sighing frustratingly and heading out of view, coming back with the book and setting it down beside Billie on the table.

She picked it up and opened it, flipping to the last few pages.

"What are you doing?" Dean asked.

"Since you ruined the last one, God's book has a new ending." Billie said.

"Jack! Now!" Dean snapped at her. "Billie, I swear—"

"Shh!" She silenced Dean, finally snapping her and having Jack reappear next to her.

"Jack." Cass said with relief.

"Nu-uh. The boy is mine." Billie said.

Cass let go of me and I ran at her, having Billie flick her wrist and make me fly into the wall, the tiles breaking.

"Anna!" Jack got up and tried to run to me, but Billie grabbed his arm. "Let go of me, Billie!"

"Sorry, kid. You're still useful." Billie said to him.

"You can't!" Sam said, helping me up.

"I can, and I will," Billie turned to us. "Goodbye."

Dean grabbed her scythe and swung it, having it rip a large hole in her coat, a blue glow emitting from her arm as she disappeared.

"Are you okay?" Jack asked me with worry, looking me over. "Are you hurt?"

"I'm okay, Jack. Are you okay?" I asked.

He nodded. "Fine."

Dean walked over to us and placed his hands on our shoulders. "How about you two try and get some shut eye? We need to be powered up if we're gonna try and take on Chuck again."

    "That sounds like a good idea. It's pretty late." I nodded.

    "Oh, and keep the noise down." Dean winked at us and walked off.

    I rolled my eyes and took Jack's hand, the two of us heading into his room and getting into our pajamas.

    Jack sat down on the bed and pulled me onto his lap, his arms wrapping around my waist. "How bad was it?"

    "What do you mean?"

    "You have a short fuse when it comes to me. How bad was it?" he repeated.

    "There was a lot of screaming, Cass threatened Billie with releasing a vengeful me on her, and I broke her nose and called her a bitch." I answered.

    Jack laughed and kissed my lips. "That's my girl."

I kissed him back and my arms slid around his neck, my body pressing into him and having him lay down on the bed.

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