Give me just a little bit more little bit of XS oh me oh my

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I quote this shit all the time

I wanna dye my hair a lil and say this shit when someone mentions it

I wanna dye my hair a lil and say this shit when someone mentions it

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The timelines are doing some shit lmaoo

It really is the least 9/11 tho

They did a thing at school and the only ppl that truly care are the ppl who were alive then. Like if you were too little to remeber or were born after and don't know anyone who was involved it's not as serious now

I have teachers who knew ppl that died who were in the military and stuff and they were crying while talking about it. It's rough but it's not a big deal to us. Same shit when ppl talk about slavery tho

Ppl always say it's in the past, but 9/11 is never forget ??? Seems a bit hypocritical

Obviously we shouldnt forget it, but we shouldn't forget the other lives we've lost and taken in the history of this country

There have been way too many

There have been way too many

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