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I opened my eyes, they were hurting and my head was pounding. My view was loading and I could see two silhouettes sitting on the floor, watching me. I pushed myself to the wall in desperation. There were two people with me in a little grey room with a tiny television in the wall and a metal door with a see through glass. "Help! Somebody help!" I yelled.
"Don't waste it, we already tried that." Said the boy sitting next to me. He had a light wood color of skin and dark brown hair color. He seemed to be a few years younger than me, like of 20.
"What do you mean? Who are you?" I asked.
"We don't know, we woke up in here same as you." Said the other one. He was older, whiter, and seemed to be annoyed.
"We both awoke here 30 minutes ago, it is really quiet and there is other rooms just like ours. I'm Thomas by the way." Said the boy.
"Aspen." I said looking at Thomas and then turning my look to the man.
"Peet." He said.
I relaxed and let myself fall onto the floor, to think. What was happening? There was no way we could take that door down, and why am I with these people?

Something that was for like an hour and a half later of silence, the little tv in the wall turned on by itself. Thomas, Peet and I drove our attention to it. "Hello everyone! you must be quite confused, maybe wonder why are you trapped inside of a room with two people you don't even know, but don't you worry, you aren't in trouble, you have been chosen to participate in the government's new experiment." Said the video being played on the television. "The other two civilians by your side are going to be your team for the rest of the match. Please step forward." The video kept going. Then the door opened.

Everyone was coming out of their rooms, all confused and analyzing the outside. It was a long hallway with plenty of rooms and a big big platform in the center, where the same lady from before and masked armed men standing.
"Welcome everybody! This is a game where only one team will win, with benefits as a reward for life, and a place on population." She said and everybody gasped in fear. "The game works this way, each of you people will receive an specific skill in your favor, you'll pick a place of preference to claim with your respective team where you'll have to survive. Satisfy hunger and thirst. The objective of the game is too be the last trio, duo, or person standing. You'll there figure out how. Now please put these on and come back to start the game!" She said while the masked armed men were handing us suits and an electronic vest with two lines, one blue at 0 and another green at 100. My suit was all purple detailed leather with metal knee pads, long gloves and a black belt.

"This is so ridiculous! what are we playing, superheroes?" I thought. I went to my team's room where Thomas and Peet were already changed. "This is sick!" Thomas said smiling. "I don't know, there is something off about it, a match, a place in population, last trio standing? What does that even mean?" Peet said.
He was right, this couldn't be good, and he didn't even mention that they drugged us to come here.

The armed men made us do lines to put a tracker behind our ear, when everybody was ready, 2 big doors opened at the end of the hallway leading to a big plain. At the entrance they handed us a backpack and assigned our seats. Mine was right by the side of my two teammates. "Enjoy the flight!" The speakers said.

The plain started flying and the lady who's name I don't know yet, put a bomb in the middle of the plain which started ticking with a timer of one minute and a half. Everybody started panicking and nobody would get close to it. There were screams and turbulence which wouldn't let me think, and also a bomb about to explode which terrified me.
"What do we do?!" Thomas screamed.
"We need to jump." Peet said.
I drove my attention to Peet. "Jump?"
"These are parachutes, my dad used to sell these, they are automatic and sense when are you going to land, trust me." Peet said. I don't trust you you idiot, we just met.
"Well I hope your right." Thomas ran backwards and took a huge jump out of the plain. People started jumping too.

"30 seconds left." Said the speakers.
"At three?" Peet asked grabbing my hand.
I nodded.
I jumped.

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