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Aaditri's POV

I look towards the clock and sigh in relief. 8:55am. Thank God!

I am not late. I knock on the door and hear his dominating voice.

I enter the cabin and place his coffee near him. Exactly the way he wanted.

He looks at the cup and then at me and then at his watch.

He hums nodding his head. He takes a sip of his coffee and I control my face not to cringe. That must taste so bitter.

He closes his eyes in what felt like bliss.

He opens his eyes and looks at me.


A smile make its way on my face. Yay! My first compliment.

"Thank you sir!"

He keeps the coffee aside and hands me over a file.

"Prepare notes on this. You have an hour. Report me in my cabin."

I nod my head and take my leave. Ok! So far so good. I sit at my desk and immediately start my work.

It takes me half an hour to read the whole file and then I start preparing the notes.

Just as I mail the document to sir the timer on my phone goes off.

Phew! On time!

I take the file and move towards his cabin. Receiving his permission I enter and inform him about the same.

He checks his mail and confirms the document.

"I'll check and let you know. In the meantime. Here is my weekly meeting schedule. Your job is to daily contact everyone I have a meeting with to confirm the status. Got it?"

"Yes sir."

I take the schedule and leave. I start calling everyone one by one and confirm about the meeting.

Half an hour later, two out of the four meetings are cancelled. I report this to him as well.

He nods and leaves for his meeting. The rest of the day I prepare notes on the three files he gave me.

All in all I like working here. He is a bit rigid and strict and dominating but I like my work here. It feels like I am doing something productive and learning something out of it.

Almost two months have passed since I started working here and I am absolutely in love with my work.

Avyan sir is not as bad as I thought he was. Outside work we have become good friends. He shares every thing about his family with me.

He said he did this with mausi too and loves to do it with me too.

I think I was wrong to judge him so quickly.

I was walking home from work when I felt like someone was following me.

I looked around but saw no one suspicious. Thinking it to be a fluke I walked home happily.

Mausi opened the door and I smiled widely seeing her.

"Aa gyi meri bachi"

She said caressing my hair. I laid down with my head on her lap and she caressed my hair making me relaxed.

Mausi is my mumma's elder sister. After mumma's divorce with my father mausi took us in. Mausi never got married and is like a second mother to me.

She was the one who helped me and mumma move out of the horrific incidents of our past. If not for her we would still be stuck in that hell.

Avyan's POV

That girl is different! Very different!

Whatever work I give her she does it without any complaint and that too very diligently.

Two days back I asked her to get lunch for me. That is not her fucking job. She should have denied me but no. She smiled and went ahead to buy it. Like physically buy it.

How is she even surviving in this cruel world being so obedient and naive.

Just last week I heard some employees talking about her.

They were planning in pranking her by giving her vinegar in the name if juice and that naive girl would have drank that if I had not shooed them away.

And you know what the most irritating part is. That her fucking innocence and naivety makes me wanna fucking protect her. It makes me feel the need to hide her from the outer world and keep her in my protective embrace forever.

Whatever I do she is on my mind 24/7. I am having food I think of her, I am in a meeting I think of her, I am with my family I think of her. Every fucking thing I do I think of her.

And that smile of hers whenever I compliment her for her work like she has achieved something so special. Damn that smile!

You are so in trouble boy. Love trouble!

I know that dammit. And I don't want to scare her because she is very jumpy. I talk to her more than necessary she starts getting squirmish. How am I supposed to pursue her.

Right now too she has gone to get my lunch heated. Feeling suffocated I move out of my cabin. She was standing in the pantry with her back to me.

My feet seemed to get a brain of their own because they moved towards her without my permission.

I stopped directly behind her and she immediately stiffened. The lunch falling from her hands.

"How long is it going to take?"

She didn't respond and that's when I noticed that she was shaking. I stepped aside and tried to look at her.

"Ms Aaditri?"

She turned her face away and mumbled in a low voice.

"Plate is ready sir."

She ran away to her cabin and I kept standing there stupefied.

What just happened? Did I make her uncomfortable? Shit!

But why was she shaking and why did she look scared out of her wits.

Leaving the food there I marched towards her cabin and entered in knocking once.

And what I saw made her heart constrict.
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