Chapter 4- Breaking News

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By: Milk-chan and Mush-chan

Chapter 4- Breaking News

"So where are we going first?" Kuroko asked as they come out of their room. They were staying at a five star hotel in Italy.

"Italy's Shopping District," Reiji excitedly said, "if Japan has Shopping District, Italy also has."

"You wouldn't get caught, I could always use my misdirection to disappear, but..." Kuroko's voice trailed off looking at Reiji from head to toe, he would definitely stand out in a crowd.

Reiji nodded, "I've already thought about that," he replied placing a fake moustache and beard on, "I'll be fine, but you should put a disguise on just in case."

They arrived at the said destination safely, Kuroko scanned the whole place in awe, the district were field of old structures despite being called a shopping district unlike in Japan where tall structures are built in the called same district.

"Isn't it amazing how they preserve their architectural assets here," Reiji said and walks ahead of him.

"Yes," Kuroko said.

"Shall we start our shoot?" Reiji suggested and took out a small video cam inside his little backpack.

"Yeah, I guess, but what about Ranmaru and Camus?" Kuroko questioned remembering he didn't see them since they went to their rooms yesterday. They got there own rooms where as Kuroko and Reiji shared one.

"They are also doing the same thing but those two are different so probably they are in some high class places or a bar where a band is playing," Reiji answered.

Reiji finally opened the video cam and flip it to their side, "Hi there," Reiji whispered and waved at the camera. "You are probably wondering why I am whispering, it's because Ai-Ai and me are in the street disguised, this is our shoot for 'Random Company Name," he exclaimed showing Kuroko to the camera.

Kuroko gave a half smile and waved, "don't kill our fans Ai-Ai!" Reiji said bewildered, this made Kuroko tilt his head wondering what Reiji was thinking, "you're going to kill them!" Reiji said once again turning the camera to face him instead.

"Dear fans, if you're still alive, please try to survive until the end of this vid," Reiji sighed, "well now we are heading to a nearby cafe, since we didn't eat breakfast as yet." Reiji turn the camera on the street they are taking and saw a cute cafe.

"Ai-Ai isn't this cafe cute?" Reiji exclaimed and faced the camera to Kuroko who just stared plainly at the cute cafe.

"Reiji, I think I'm starving already," Kuroko muttered turning his head to face Reiji.

If Reiji was a girl he would have had a major nosebleed, but he just nodded and excitedly pulled Kuroko behind him since he was also starving.

He hoped that Ai's fans would be alright after seeing the shoot, and wondered if the hospitals had enough doctors just in case.

The cafe has a cute pastel colored interior, they took the seat on the corner window to avoid interaction to some other customer that will enter. As they take their seat, a waiter immediately asked for their order.

"Breakfast bread bowl and a creamed coffee please,"Reiji ordered and avert his attention to Kuroko, "how about you Ai-Ai?"

Kuroko pointed to the picture of an Italian Mini Frittatas on the menu then muttered, "I'd like to have a milkshake also."

The waiter stopped for a bit and tried to make out what Kuroko added, since he spoke very quietly, "Milkshake?"

"Yes, do you have one?" Kuroko asked nervously still looking plain.

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