Great, so she knows.

If it were anyone else, I would totally be freaking out right now (more than I already am) but Max already knows that I'm gay - same with El, but the more people that know, the worse. Besides, things would be much more pleasant if Mike got to tell them about his sexuality himself.

Then it hits again.

Mike is gay...

for me.

God, the thought of it enough lessens my ability to breathe.

"Michael!" I hear someone shout in the distance - Karen Wheeler. I shift my gaze between him and his mother, who's beckoning him to go to her.

"Duty calls, I think." Mike shrugs at El and I with a smile before wandering off to his family.

Mike Wheeler

"What's wrong, mom?" I ask, running my fingers through my hair. A smile never leaves her lips.

"How did it go?" She asks.

Okay- what the hell is she talking about??

"How did... what go?"

"Oh come on, Michael, I saw you wander off with Will earlier. Tell me everything."

I crack a small smile and look down at the ground, mumbling something incoherently.

"What was that, Mike?"

I look around to make sure nobody is listening.

"I... I may have kissed him."

Mom raises her hands to either side of her face, making jazz hands as she squeals in excitement. "And what did he do??"

"He... he kissed me back."

"Oh, honey, that's amazing! Please, definitely tell me more about it later, okay?? When there aren't so many people around." She offers and I nod in approval.

"Anyway... is that everything?"

"No, of course not. I wanna take pictures of you!"

I roll my eyes. "Mom... I already have random strangers snapping photos of me. Is this really necessary??"

"Yes, of course it is! I want to keep at least some pictures of my beautiful boy to myself." She smiles.

"Okay, okay... no need to get all mushy." I raise my hands in defeat before standing in place and staring blankly at the camera before it flashes at me. A straight (a.n. help) expression manages to stay on my face each time my mom flashes a photo of me. After a few more snaps, I sigh, fed up with how long she's taking with this.

"Mom- are you done?" I finally say.

This is so tiring...

"Just a few more, Michael-"

I roll my eyes and adjust myself before she continues to take photos of me.

Yup- definitely going straight home after this.

Dustin Henderson

I narrow my eyelids in search for the slushy stand, gasping softly when I spot it before skipping my way towards it.

"Lucas! Max! Come on!" I beckon them to hurry up and each of them roll their eyes at me before just following through with what I say.


I cock a brow and stare at the worker's back profile, my jaw instantly dropping when he turns around.


"Henderson!" He seems as surprised as me. He makes his way around the counter before we share our special handshake, guffawing in excitement.

"I didn't expect to see you here!" I tell him.

"Blame my stupid dad. He forced the idea on me." He says and I giggle.

"What an asshole, right?" I suggest and he nods in concurrence.

"Yeah, totally."

"Anyway- so me and my friends just wanted to try out your grape slushies!"

"Grape?... we don't sell grape, Dustin." Steve says, taking me aback.


"Wait, but Mike and Will said-" I start, catching the attention of the other female worker, Robin. I shift my gaze over the blue raspberry and cherry slushy machines and exchange glances with the four people around me before we all gasp in unison.




To Be Continued...

a.n. I didn't proof read it really well because I need to leave for school so I kinda published this chapter in a rush!

Byeeeee have a great day <3

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐖𝐚𝐲 𝐇𝐢𝐬 𝐄𝐲𝐞𝐬 𝐀𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞𝐝 𝐌𝐞Where stories live. Discover now