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Mon. 23rd December 1985 | 17:33pm
Jane Hopper

These past three months have been great. I met two new people called Lucas and Dustin and became quite close to them - mostly Dustin since he's so funny. I've also been hanging out with Mike a lot more lately too, especially this week since vacation started and we don't have school to worry about. The boys play this game called Dragons and Dungeons but me and Max just watch sometimes considering that we're too hopeless to ever understand enough of the game to be able to take part - but they still decided that we're given a 'class', whatever the hell that means. I'm a mage and since Max finds all the classes too lame, she insists on being a 'zoomer' (made up), probably because she likes skating.

Meanwhile, I've noticed that Will has been painting a lot recently. He doesn't wanna show me what it is, but maybe it's a Christmas present? I'm sure he has someone special on his mind.

"Jane! Do you have your shoes on yet, sweetheart?!" Joyce calls out to me before my eyes widen in realisation.

Oh my god I'm not even dressed.

"Uhhh give me a minute!" I jump up from my bed and place my Marvel comic on my desk before rushing to my closet and searching for my sage green winter set.

People won't care if I go in my pyjamas, right?

I mean it's not like I'm wearing pyjamas pyjamas so I suppose it's fine.

I slip my coat over my shoulders, put on my boots, hat and gloves before leaving my room with a relieved sigh.

"Gosh, you look like you ran a mile." Joyce laughs softly before grabbing her keys and beckoning me to follow her.

"Yeah, I forgot we were shopping today and kinda got lost in my comic." I chuckle and get into the car, pulling my walkie talkie out my pocket (Dustin got the whole party a walkie talkie each for easier contact).

I tune in to Max's channel and exhale with a smile.

"Hey, Max! Are you there? Over."

"Hm? Yeah, I am. What's up? Over."

"Tomorrow I'll be back from the hospital at around four. Do you... wanna come over and bake? Over."


"Oh- um... I kinda already told Lucas that I'd go over to his house- but wait, weren't you gonna go to the Wheeler's tomorrow?... over."


"Yeah but I mean- that's in the morning. Besides, I wanna have some alone bonding time with you since we don't really do that anymore. The whole party is going to Mike's on Christmas Day but it's different when there are other people. Over."

"I'm sorry... if you want I can come today and help you wrap presents, though? Over."

"Yeah and let you peek? No way." I giggle. "I'll see you soon, okay? Over and out." I blow a kiss at the mic before pushing the antenna down as Joyce parks in Starcourt.

"You two seem very affectionate. Are you getting along?"

"Mhm! I mean yeah, she's my best friend." I look down at my lap, forcing a small smile.

Sometimes I forget that we're more than friends. I feel like I'm pushing her away by constantly being with Mike (not to mention I was meant to break up with him ages ago) and I can't help but notice that she's also becoming closer to Lucas.

I'm sure it's nothing, though.

. . .

"Daddy! Will! Jonathan! We're home!" I place the bags down by the doorstep and skip to the living room, leaning over on the sofa and kissing my dad's cheek.

"Hey, kid. How was it?" He smiles.

"It was fun. I got new clothing and gifts for the party."

"That sounds nice. Oh by the way, Joyce, Jonathan and I all have to head to work early, so I'll have to drop you off at around 7. That okay?" He asks.


"Oh and um... I'd hate to leave Will home alone. Do you mind if he goes along?"

"Oh uh- he said he was gonna go to Dustin's tomorrow." I tell him, taking off my outdoor clothing. As I inform him about it, he sighs and rolls his eyes.

"What?" I furrow my brows.

"Nothing, it's fine."

"El! Come help me wrap!" I turn my attention to Joyce and smile before sitting on the floor by the Christmas tree, picking my favourite wrapping paper to use.

. . .
Tue. 24th December 1985 | 6:21am

"El. El! Are you there?" I get woken up to my walkie deafening my ears.

It's literally still dark what the hell...

"Mike, what do you want? I'm coming over in a bit." I yawn. "Gosh it's so early..."

"Yeah um that's the thing... you can't come over today. Also say over so I know you're done- over."

God it's 6am what do you expect from me.

"What, why? Over."

"I have to visit my nana at the hospital. She's very sick. Over."

"Um well... I'm going the hospital too today so... we could meet there? Over."

"No, no! I mean... I guess, but I'm just so preoccupied and worried about her. Cold weather got the best of her. I think I want to be alone with... my feelings... for today. Over."

"Um... okay. But like don't you hate her? All you ever talk about when she's mentioned is how annoying she is. Over."

"That's my paternal nana. I'm talking about my mom's mom."

I hear incoherent dialogue in the background. 'Did nana call' is all I could really hear in the sentence.

"Um- was that your mom? Over."

"Yeah- she's so upset she's making no sense. Anyway, gotta go to the hospital to visit nana now. Ummm okay well- miss you already, bye!" He quickly says and I suddenly hear him turn off the walkie.

What was that about...

I hear the floorboards creaking in the corridor and assume that that's my dad since Joyce probably left already and Jonathan... well yeah- I wouldn't be surprised if he is still asleep.

"Dad, you don't have to drop me off anymore!" I yell before flopping back against my pillow with a huff.

To Be Continued...

heheee stranger things ep. 2 parallels-ish

i think I'm gonna do a lot more parallels from early season 3 in the next few chapters so yeeee


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