Chapter 1: Here we are

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"Hey teach! Guess what? Everyone on Tabe-Mog's commenting that there's a super-cute server in our shop. They're talking about me, right?" She said. "They're talking about me!" Mizuki argued. "Funny. Guess your face isn't the only joke you've got." The blonde girl sarcastically replied.

She then notices Takina, as well as Kido and myself. "Hey! Who're you guys? Customers aren't supposed to be in here at this time!" She questioned me and Kido. "Easy there, Chisato. I called Kiryu-san over in Kamurocho for someone to guard the cafe from delinquents and such, and these are the two gentlemen that came to do as they were ordered to." Mika assured her.

"Is that so? Oh, and a Lycoris." She understood, while also bringing her attention back to Takina. "Why are you looking at me like that?" She asks, noticing her stoic expression. "She's the Lycoris I mentioned. We've been over this, Chisato." Mika reminded her.

"You'll be partners, starting today. So play nice." He tells them both. "Nice to meet you, partner! I'm Chisato!" She introduced herself. "I'm Takina Inoue." Takina introduced back. "Oh. I didn't catch your guys' names." Chisato remembered, looking towards me and Kido.

"Hi. I'm Seiji Kawashima." I greeted her with a wave. "Name's Takeshi Kido. Nice to meet you." He greeted, also waving his hand. "It's nice to-" Takina spoke, before Chisato interrupts. "Takina! Wait, have we met?" She then questioned. "No, I- I was transferred from Kyoto last year." Takina told her.

"So you're one of those transfers? You must have skills. So how old are you?" Chisato rapidly spoke. "16." Takina responded. "*gasps* I'm one year older then. You can skip the formalities. Just call me Chi-sa-to, okay~?" She says. Takina responds with a simple: "Okay." "What you did the other day was so amazing! Was that how you earned that battle scar?" Chisato asked. "No." Takina answered, looking away. 

Eventually, Chisato went off to the back behind the counter to talk with someone on the phone, as I could finally settle down and have a seat to relax on. 

"So... Your name's Takina Inoue, is it? It's a pleasure to meet you. You may have already heard me say it, but I'll say it again, now that it's just us for now. My name is Seiji Kawashima." I introduced myself again to her.

"Seiji. It's nice to meet you. And your partner over there?" She asks. "Takeshi Kido. That's his name." I told her. "Got it." She understood. 

Mika places down mugs for both me and Takina as he asks her: "Is she different than you thought?" "No, not at all." Takina replied.

I look down on my mug and notice it's black. "Um, Mika-san? Could I get some cream and sugar on this?" I asked. "No problem." He told me. He hands it back, as I take the teaspoon and stir. I then sip at my coffee and sigh in delight. "That hits the spot." I commented. 

"Seiji." Takina spoke to me. "What is it, Takina?" I respond. "What business do you and Kido-san have to do here?" She questioned. "My boss had ordered me and Kido down here to guard the place from bad people. You know, delinquents, thugs, yakuza, that sort of thing." I explained to her. "I see." Takina responded.

"Now then, I want to ask you something, Takina." I proposed. "What is it, Seiji?" She responds. "I'm honestly out of the loop on this, but I really need to ask, what are Lycoris? Everyone here has been bringing it up like normal, but I've no idea what you're all referring to." I asked her. 

"Lycoris? You mean in general, or... me, specifically?" She inquires, with a light blush. "Well, since I'm talking to you, I want to know exactly from you why you're referred to as a Lycoris." I said to her. "A flower, of course. From the genus name of the plant, Lycoris, and the species, ernestiana." She explains to me.

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