"That doesn't justify anything. You were going to beat up that kid, and now I have to teach you and your friends a lesson." The man in the gray suit argued, readying himself to fight them. "You think you can take on all five of us at once? Ha...! Come on, guys! Let's get him!" The leader thug said as he stood up. 

One guy rushes in, and goes to kick straight at the gray suit man, only for him to be deflected. The gray suit man then grabs him, lifts him up, crushes him in a bear hug, and then throws him off to the side. Another guy goes to throw a punch, but the gray suit man blocks it.

He then hits him and another beside him with double roundhouse punches, to which the other guy goes and tries to go around him, only for the gray suit man to sideline him with a lariat punch, knocking him to the ground. 

The last two go for the suited man again, but both are deflected, with the other getting hit in the face with a closed fist. The gray suit man deals with the other three as the guy on the ground gets back up, but as the man is punching the other guys, he punches the guy getting up so hard, he ends up flying a few feet away, knocking him out cold.

Suddenly, the man got grabbed from behind, his arms lifted up, leaving him defenseless. However, with his quick thinking, kicks backwards, hitting his grappler's leg, grabs his arm and then throws him over his shoulder. One of the few stranding cronies go to attack him, but he dodges, and soon counters him back with a couple punches. 

He grabs the guy by his collar, yanks him around and then grabs him by the back, as the other thug went to throw a punch, but misses him as he dodges it. Before he could even deal with who he's got in front, the guy breaks free of his grasp.

As the two thugs were prepping themselves up to attack him simultaneously, the gray suit man quickly grabs one of them and crushes them in another bear hug, before tossing them aside, knocking them out. 

With only the leader left standing, now cowering in fear, the man then goes to finish him off. The leader puts his hands up to block his face from being hit, but the man swerves and hits him from the side, then from down under to his jaw, throws another punch to his stomach, hits the right side of his face again, and then finally knocking him out with a roundhouse kick to his head.

The man turns around and looks at the surroundings, and then at his own body, and sighs in relief. "Are you alright, kid?" He then asks as he approaches me. I nod, and get up. "Yeah, I'm okay. They didn't beat me up too badly. They only kicked me to the ground."

"What are you doing out so late by yourself? Shouldn't you be heading home by now?" He asked me. "I... I don't really have a home." I admitted. "Don't have a home? What do you mean?" The man asked. "I, uh... ran away." I muttered.

The man frowns. "You ran away? Why would you do that?"

I sigh. I hate talking about this. "It's because of my parents. Where I come from, my family was rich. And because of their wealth, they had big plans for me, and I wasn't sure if I wanted to even go through with it. I guess I just wanted a different life." The man nodded.

"So you ran away from home, because you don't know what you want out of life..." He wondered. "Hey, what's your name by the way?" I asked the man. "Oh, right... My name is Kazuma Kiryu." He introduced.

"Kazuma Kiryu... Wait a minute, are you him? The one that everyone knows as the Dragon of Dojima?" I questioned. "That's right. The one and only." He confirmed. "Wow... I've only heard legends about you, but I never thought I'd meet the dragon himself..." I said.

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