Chapter Eighteen

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Y/N practically forced the two out of the house and to the mall where she was going to take them shopping. This was the same area Jotaro had taken her to get some clothes before. She couldn't help but remember when he got over protective of her when those girls came around. It made her giggle when she thought about it. Maybe she would go back to those stores to see if there was anything new in stock. Before she did that, though, she had to make sure the boys were able to get some things that they wanted first. 

Kakyoin was shyly walking around the mall looking unsure of what store to go in. He wasn't used to this type of environment and he knew the clothes were more than he wanted to think about. What was she thinking bringing him here? She knew they weren't able to afford these types of things. He still wanted to try some stuff on though. Maybe he could save enough and come back to buy it later. 

He walked into a clothing store and walked around for about five minutes observing the types of shirts they had. He had picked up a pair of black jeans and was looking for a matching top to try with it. He hadn't noticed that Polnareff wasn't with him anymore, but he wasn't too worried about it. He would be able to find him again later. The mall wasn't too big. 

It had been about another three minutes and he was about to give up. He was going to finish looking at this rack and if he couldn't find anything, he would leave and go somewhere else. He got to the last shirt and almost dropped the pants he was holding. It was a white, low v-neck shirt that had a cherry print all over it. Whenever he found anything with cherries on it, he practically goes feral. It's a surprise his entire house decor isn't covered in them yet. 

He snatched the shirt off the rack and ran to the dressing room. He was excited to try this outfit on. He didn't own many printed shirts, but he could definitely make that change just for this shirt. He tucked the shirt into the pants and did a 360 in the mirror to admire the outfit he chose for himself. He had to admit, he looked pretty good. 

He was busy admiring himself when there was a knock at the door. Kakyoin jumped a little and opened the door a little bit so he could see who was standing there. It was Y/N and Polnareff. "Hey Nori, I found this straggler out in the hall. I see you found an outfit you seem to like." She pointed at his new outfit which grabbed Polnareff's attention. "Damn Nori, you have to buy that outfit. You look amazing in that shirt!" He was practically drooling onto the floor staring at Kakyoin in his new outfit. 

"You're so annoying, Pol. It's just a casual outfit, I don't look that  good in it. Plus, there's no way I would be able to get this." He rolled his eyes as he closed the door, changing back into his old outfit. He put the clothes back on the hanger getting ready to put it back on the rack. He opened the door and reached up when the clothes were snatched out of his hand. All he saw was Y/N running towards the front of the store with the clothes he was just holding. Once he realized what was happening, he ran behind her and tried to grab them back but he failed miserably. He tripped on whatever was on the ground and fell face first onto the ground. He could even bring himself to get up and wipe off the shame. 

Y/N started laughing, hard. She walked up the counter, still laughing, and quickly paid for the outfit before Kakyoin could take them away from her. The total came to about fifty dollars and she grabbed the receipt from the woman. She shoved it into her purse and walked over to Kakyoin who was still laying on the ground, face on the tile. She started laughing again as she dropped the bag onto his back. "Consider this an apology gift." She then walked out of the store and into another store to browse around. This left Polnareff dragging him out of the store and into the next one, bag in tow. He was never going to live this one down. 


They had finished their shopping trip and were now back home. It was after eight, and they still haven't eaten yet. They decided to order take out and just vibe until they were ready to go to bed. Jotaro still wasn't back, but this didn't concern Y/N. She knew he could be out for a while and he just needed the time to adjust. It was better he was gone to deal with it rather than being here and throwing things out of anger. It was definitely a flaw, but there was never anything that couldn't be improved. For now, she was going to show the boys what she had gotten for them when they weren't looking. 

She grabbed ten bags out of the back of the car and brought them inside. She dropped them onto the dining room table where the pair were sitting. They were wide-eyed and their mouths were wide open. "Y/N, please tell me you're joking. There's no way this didn't cost a literal fortune." Polnareff was struggling to understand that Y/N had bought all of this without worrying about it. "That's the perks when you're dating a millionaire." She winked as she separated the bags. She was able to find a marker in her car where she could write their names on the bags. It's a good thing it was there because she would've had to look in each one and figure it out. It would've taken forever. 

Kakyoin slowly reached for the first bag and slowly reached inside pulling out the outfit that she had bought for him. He was eternally grateful, but he couldn't help but reminisce about slamming onto the ground. They all had a good laugh about it as they continued to open up the bags. 


Both of them made it out good. Kakyoin was able to get three outfits along with earrings, a painting set, and canvases.  Polnareff got two giant bottles of hair gel, two outfits, and a new pair of earrings since he lost his old ones. They were both shocked and extremely happy about their gifts. They had no idea of how to repay Y/N. First, she gave them a home, and then she bought them these gifts when she didn't even have to. She was amazing, and they couldn't think of a way to express that to her. 

"Don't even think about trying to get me anything. I was able to spend time with you guys and that's all I want. Jotaro also thinks the same thing even if he isn't aware of it yet." She giggled and passed around the food they had ordered so they could enjoy a delicious meal. 

About an hour had passed and they were lounging around watching YouTube on the TV. They were so indulged in the video they didn't even hear the door open. Jotaro snuck in and watched as they were all hanging out and laughing at the funny moments of the video. He couldn't help but watch Y/N's face as it lifted with her smile, it was truly beautiful. He didn't want to interrupt this moment, so he walked to the bedroom and got ready for bed. He didn't even bother getting something to eat. He threw himself onto the bed and fell asleep in an instant, leaving room for Y/N when she finally came to bed. She carefully laid down and snuggled into him with her back against his chest. After a long, difficult couple of days, it was nice to be able to fall asleep next to him without having to worry that he'll be okay. 

She would definitely sleep well tonight. 

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