Chapter Three

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Jotaro's POV

I kept tossing and turning while I was trying to sleep. Eventually I was able to fall asleep, but I don't know what time it was when I finally did. Eventually I woke up and checked the time. I told Y/N that I would be up around nine or so. 

12:45 pm

I sprung out of bed so quickly, I wasn't even awake enough to make sure I had at least a robe on. I ran to the door and opened it to see Y/N sitting there across the hall reading her book. 

"I'm so sorry Y/N, I didn't get any sleep last night and I just woke up. I'm not even awake yet, I hope what I'm saying makes some sense." She let out a laugh. "It's okay, I only just got here and I figured you were in the shower or something after I knocked the third time." 

Still, I felt so terrible and it took a good minute before I realized what my appearance was. I was wearing only a tank top with briefs, my hair was everywhere, and I had marks on my face from where my arms were. I looked like I had just woken up and sprung out of bed. I'm sure it was no secret either. 

"Here, come in and make yourself comfortable. I'm going to go look presentable." I shut the door and began to walk to my bedroom.

"If it means anything, I think you're pretty cute when you're disheveled." She casually opened her book again and started reading. She didn't look over at me once. 

Usually, comments like these don't affect me because of my "fans". For some reason, when it came from Y/N I could feel my heart skip a beat. I let a huff of air out of my nose and looked at the ground and made a beeline to my room. 


While Jotaro was taking years to "get presentable", I was waiting on the couch looking around the parts of the apartment I could see. There was beach themed stuff everywhere. You wouldn't think that he would decorate like that just by looking at him. I found it pretty interesting. It shows that he actually has a personality under that dark, mysterious persona. 

There were pictures of him at his graduation and some with people who I'm assuming were his co-workers. He wasn't smiling in any of them. Typical Jotaro. There was one frame that caught my attention. It was turned down on one of the side tables. I walked over to it and it turned it up to look at the picture. It was one of me and him right before he moved away to go to a different high school after everything happened. Seeing this, I almost started crying. It's been so long since we've been able to be like this. I wonder why he had it turned down. He could've kept it put away. Maybe I'll ask about it when he comes out. 

There was also a little statue we made out of sticks and leaves. I had no idea he still had this stuff. Where did he even get the picture from? His mom took it, but after everything happened, she threw out all of his things. I thought he threw the statue out too. He has to remember me then if he still has these things. Maybe he kept them to figure out where it came from? I had so many questions, but I want to hear any questions he has first. It would be easier that way. 

"Sorry, it took forever to find my pants. They were un-" I quickly put the frame behind my back and darted my eyes directly into Jotaro's. 

"What are you doing with that?"

"I was curious why it was flipped down and I flipped it up to look at it. I don't know if you know, but this is a picture of us from ten years ago." He stared at the picture, back to me, then back at the picture. "I had no idea. I figured it was a cousin or something and I don't really want anything to do with my family anymore." 

"Nope, that's us. I was poking you so you wouldn't look so mean in the picture." I let out a little chuckle and my eyes started to tear up. It's been a while since I was able to look back like this. 

He walked over and started to pat my head. It's pretty clear he doesn't know how to show affection to anyone. I giggled and wiped my eyes before turning around. He was looking down at me and we stood there making prolonged eye contact. It wasn't uncomfortable, but rather warm-feeling. I couldn't help it but reach out and give him the biggest hug I could manage. He felt like a brick wall, but it was a nice brick wall. I thought I would've never seen him again. He was my first friend ever, and now, my only friend in the town. I was very happy. 

It took a while for him to hug back, but he did eventually return the hug. I could feel him trembling in the embrace. I'm not entirely sure why, but I think he might be thinking the same thing I am. 

I know so much about him, yet I know nothing about him. There has to be something I don't know. He's pretty much world famous, but he lives in an apartment in a relatively middle class town? He moved away and forgot everything he knew about me? How did he forget everything? There has to be more than I know.

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